PlayBoi_92's forum posts
I heard rumors that next gen is going to be the final graphical leap, cause it will be using cgi graphics, like the ones you see in final fantasy movies, so imhave hope for the graphics next gen. The PC isnt close to those kind of graphics yet,next gen consoles havent got a chance.There will be a nice improvement though but like ShoTTyMcNaDeS wrote there will be big gains in performance.Besides what he touched on Im looking forward to bigger player counts in online games as well. you're right about pcs not being their yet, but in a year when next gen releases and get cgi graphics PCs will be there aswell, an of coarse more powerful.[QUOTE="PlayBoi_92"][QUOTE="ShoTTyMcNaDeS"]I would keep your expectations in check as far as graphics and the next gen of consoles go. I personally am not expecting a huge leap in straight up visuals. Where I expect the gain is in things like particle effects, shadows, draw distance, frames per second and native resolution. xgraderx
[QUOTE="PlayBoi_92"]It should have been released last fall in my opinion! all the games coming out are stupid except gta V an the graphics suck this gen! and they arent getting any better! which is understandable cause this gens power of technology is pretty much tapped out. what do you guys think about it being to late for a nexxt gen??ShoTTyMcNaDeSI would keep your expectations in check as far as graphics and the next gen of consoles go. I personally am not expecting a huge leap in straight up visuals. Where I expect the gain is in things like particle effects, shadows, draw distance, frames per second and native resolution. I heard rumors that next gen is going to be the final graphical leap, cause it will be using cgi graphics, like the ones you see in final fantasy movies, so imhave hope for the graphics next gen.
If you can't find ANYTHING to play on your PS3, its your fault. Even if your just looking into exclusivesdarkspineslayerso its his fault ps3 games suck lol
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