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Individual Ideas

Most people here in America do not understand this concept, but individual ideas have no significance. The only ideas that change the World are those that are accepted by an entire culture. Untill this happens, personal opinons, or beliefs hold no value. Even mine are worthless.

I pitty these people. They are so naive and ignorant of their true exsistance. I mourn for them. They haven't suffered enough in their lives to know better. They haven't felt the hand of lonyness  on their shoulders. They haven't seen the hatred in anothers eye. IT's not so much about those things, but most people have never challenged themselves to be something they are not, and so they will never know who they are.

Most people live in a fantastic world, where they see themselves as the star. They are not, they are insignificant. The only human force is the combination of all of us and our cultures. One man may kill 30 people, but he's changed nothing. IT takes many people to form change. One man can only inspire, and hope he's created the motivation for change, but even that fails too often. People will call for arms for the moment, but will shortly go back to their old selves.

Suffering is exsistance and without it, we learn bad habits.

Console Wars

The idea, or rather opinon that one gaming console is better than another is complete idiocy. IT does not matter what specs a gaming console has. All that matters is game play. I enjoy any type of console as long as it has good games. I will buy any console to play even one good game on that console even if I hate all the others.

Console Pride is like Pride for your Country.. it serves no good purpose.  IT's based on the idea that something is superior or something is inferior, and this is never true, except for the minds of us humans. OUR opinons mean everything to us. IT defines who we are. IT tells us what groups or societys we belong too, or what groups we don't belong too. IT connects us with people of a common interest.

 But why must we hold onto materials and say this material is better than the other. That's all you're doing when you think one console is possible superior to another. It's idiocy and for lesser beings. Hold true to the games you enjoy, but don't hold onto the machines that play them.