Hi, i thought i better write another blog post today. Haven't done one for a wile. I'm still on gamespot by the way, I'm just chillin' looking at updates and general gamespot 'happenings'.
Anyway not a whole lot happened since last post, i got gears of war the other day which is pretty nifty! I'm going through the story on casual, and its pretty damn badass! And i don't usually say that.. about anything, but i feel gears is well worthy of the term!! In other news, i'm currently experiencing work experience, i'm working with my dad, he's an engineer. Its pretty boring actually :( ..also, at home i have been doing some stuff on 3ds max, its pretty low-level but i'm using normal mapping now and its well.. ..interesting. so far i have done most of the tutorials i can find (which were tedious, as tutorial are :P) and now i'm making a sort of character, well I'm doing his legs at the moment. If i finish it i will post it but i hope to finish it :p.
That about it, oh yeah one more thing. Apparently i have been tagged! well i was tagged, i should have posted this im my last blog post, but well better late than never.
ok, well i have to say 5 things you didnt know about me urm..
1) i straighten my hair, but im not gay or anything! my hair just looks dumb otherwise. lol
2) ive only ever been out with one girl. She's a bi*ch
3) my debit card doesn't work :(, Bet ya didn't know that! Oh and my pin number is.. nah I'm just kiddin' :P
4) my favorite game franchise is the battlefield one, but I'm not a big franchise fan.
5) the closest I've been to something serious was when i crashed a go-kart when i was younger and rolled it about 3 times, i flew off and landed on a barb wire fence, one leg each side, seriously! i didn't harm ma goolies but got a few gabs in the middle. damn that was lucky. :|
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