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Girlfriends and Gaming

These two are the oil and water of life. You wish that they would just simply mix, but no matter how hard you try to make them they won't. What used to be your gaming time now becomes your with the girlfriend time, and it seems like your gaming time just gets smaller and smaller and smaller until it is non-existent. A simple talk you would think could fix this problem but the girl would just as easy say it's your fault for not wanting to spend time with her. Girls don't understand how guys need a form of release. We aren't the type who share what we feel or take out our frustrations by talking them out. So our way of dealing with things is grabbing a controller and killing a couple hundred zombies in Left 4 Dead, or trying to get that Nuke in MW2. Like what Will Smith said, "Parents just don't understand." but in this case, "Girls just don't understand." We give into their wants and needs, we go shopping, go with them to get their hair done, watch the movies they want with them, but they can't simply give us the hour we need to do what makes us happy. So all in all, girls and guys need to compromise and put together the realization that we each need to give a little to make the other person happy.