I think pokemon has been getting way better, I like the new pokemon and pokemon is nothing like COD, they make the gameplay for each game longer by adding way more stuff, and I'm incredibly excited for X and Y
I didn't even know PS3 had youtube, but it doesn't work well on the 360 either so maybe it just isn't working for anyone, since I don't know anyone who knows how to work it.
That guy is quite lucky but he really can't use it until November when all the games come out, if he had a cap card he could make some better videos showing it off, that'd probably go viral.
I'm waiting a year to get the Xbox One so the first game I will be getting will be Halo 5 (hopefully it'll be good, Halo 4 wasn't that great) other than that Dead Rising 5 looks pretty good and I don't know much about Titan Fall but it sounds good.
The entire Halo Franchise, second would be the gears of wars (But not Judgement, didn't like that one) and third would be dead or alive I guess, I only just started liking it but its pretty fun.
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