Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Plutonium-boss' Score

Dengeki Big Bang!


Demon Sword

-- --

Demolition Racer: No Exit


Deja Vu: Akumu wa Hontou ni Yattekita

-- --

Defenders of Dynatron City

-- --

Defend Your Castle


Death Crimson OX


Dead to Rights


De La Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast Direct)


Crusaders of Might and Magic


Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex


Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Isshuu (PSOne Books)


Counter-Strike 1: Anthology

-- --

Conquest of the Crystal Palace

-- --

Climax Landers


Circus Caper

-- --

ChuChu Rocket! (w/Controller)


Chou Shittou Caduceus


Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon 2




Castlevania II: Simon's Quest


Castle of Deceit

-- --

Castle Quest

-- --

Carnival Games


Call of Duty: Finest Hour


CART World Series

-- --

Bust A Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix


Burai Fighter

-- --

Bomberman Jetters


Bomberman GB 2

-- --

Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon


Blaster Master (Value 1500)


Blaster Master

-- --



Big Nose the Caveman

-- --

Beetle Adventure Racing


Battalion Wars


Batman Begins


Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean


Baten Kaitos II: Hajimari no Tsubasa to Kamigami no Shishi


Banjo to Kazooie no Daibouken


Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance


Army Men: Sarge's War


Army Men: RTS


Arkista's Ring


Argos no Senshi: Hachamecha Daishingeki

-- --

Arabian Dream Scheherazade

-- --

Ape Escape 3


Ape Escape


Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika: Genghis Khan

-- --

Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt


Alpha Mission


Alien Virus (1994)

-- --

Alien Front Online


Alfred Chicken

-- --

Akumajou Dracula


Akumajou Densetsu

-- --

Akuma no Shoutaijou

-- --

A Collection of Activision Classic Games for the Atari 2600


8 Eye's

-- --

007: NightFire


007: NightFire
