Can I just point out now that I'm not a Sony fanboy, infact I'm a Microsoft surporter but the PS3 doesn't suck, Sony's marketing and lack of exclusives (mostly directly because they can't hold out for the release) suck
I've got vista home premium, had it 3 days and already all the noveltys have worn off. Also, my media player is too high for "watch now" on this website so if I want to watch anything I have to download it. Thank God for that 250 gb hard drive
At the time Sony and Big M were cancelling each other out, one was offering INSANE amounts of power for a huge pricetag and good exclusives. The other one was cheaper but still incredibly powerful, backed by God, and reasonable exclusives. Then Mr. Gates snapped up all the exclusives. Still a fair fight then. This delay has swayed the tide and the PS3 shall DIE & BURN IN THE FIRES OF HELL in Europe, hold a poor defence in America and tie with the Wii with our saki sipping friends. The PS3 will still sell millions, but it will still lose the next-gen wars. And don't bull**** me about nobody winning a gen, ps2 won last gen because it sold 100 times more than anyone else. And while I'm at it stop treatin "Lil' ol' Ninty" like a small buissness, granted they're old and the gamecube didn't sell nearly aswell as they hoped but still richer than every buissness in my COUNTY combined and multiplide by ten!!!!!!
PlyrYaKA's comments