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Ryan Davis 1979-2013

So i was going to read Kbaily's blog, which i will in a minute, but as i was roaming through GiantBomb this news hit me, and as i logged into my twitter, i saw bathesda softworks tweet about it, Ryan Davis from Giantbomb died 5 days ago.

I didn't really know the man, but appreciated his job, the bombcasts etc, on memory were his leave from here gamespot, due to Jeff leaving as well, because the executives on GS were trying to influence the rates they were giving to games.

I just feel sad that this happen and no one from GS team has mentioned anything (at least that i have seen) Ign's Greg Miller has already posted about this, but over here at GS no one did, so i am doing it, i am no editor or part of the staff, but feel like this should be adressed.


Rest in peace Ryan

Xbox One - Familly Sharing, Blame it on Microsoft

Well my 1st blog post and it had to be about the xbox one, to think that last year i had my mind on getting the ms console first instead of sony's.

After the hapiness of winning a battle against a giant corporation, the naysayers had to come back and act like we destroyed something amazing, "YOU KILLED FAMILLY SHARING" well it so happens that one of the digruntled microsoft employees (to rubb out on our face what we would lose for demanding our freedom back) details how the familly sharing would work, and guess what? it was a f*cking rip-off, this is how it would go: a friend shared a game that he owned on your poll of friends, and if you wanted to play the game, you could play it for 1 hour or 45 minutes (they were still discussing that) and then prompting you to buy the game!! Even the only feature that appealed to gamers, sucks? 1 hour? well why won't you let me play for just ten minutes Mom?

So we killed familly sharing? its not even sharing to begin with?! but hey fear not, seeing microsoft is in the mood for listening to its consumers, or maybe listening Gamestop or Amazon that reported their pre-orders figures recently, why don't you request microsoft to include the familly sharing rip-off again? because it can still be done with Downloaded titles, if they say they will make availble every game as a download game on demand, then include familly sharing for people that want to do downloaded games and use their familly sharing plan, Microsoft can include that, they don't because they are too upset because we took a stand, and now are acting like kids, "oh yeah now i am going to take my shinny truck and play on my own sandbox", if you want this feature this can still be implemented ask microsoft, because they can make this happen for Downloaded Titles.

and thats my small blog post, maybe there will be more to come, depends on the interest of the readers :)

Also please keep it civil, thanks :D