@HAMMERCLAW The only part I disagree with is the assumption that most enthusiastic 360 owners are converted Sony fans. In my experience, the majority of 360 owners seem to have followed the N64->Xbox/Gamecube->Xbox 360 route, whilst the majority of PS2 owners I know jumped to PC and all those 360 owners are now following suite. Otherwise, with the PC being the home of all those PS2 players, you are pretty much dead on.
I need to disagree here. Calling the League of Legends community "Noob" is completely ridiculous because well over half of the dedicated community came from DOTA, and while LoL is a little more "Noob Friendly" prior to summoner level 20, the fact is that LoL is actually MUCH more complex than DOTA in high level play, it just doesn't appear that way until you get beyond summoner level 20, which takes something like 100+ games. The rune and mastery system in LoL allows for playstyles that you would NEVER see coming and builds that make absolutely no sense at all, but still fall within the balance limitations necessary for competitive play. I have actually managed to pull off an attack damage based mage (Anivia for those who play it) in a competitive, high elo ranked match based almost entirely on a rune page and mastery page, and it wasn't broken at all, it was a fine example of how much more actual strategy there is in LoL than DOTA. Also, while the game doesn't have denying, the reality is that taking it out actually encourages more active play out of the mid player, such as early roaming/ganking or pushing. It leads to teamfights earlier in the game and a much more active early/mid game than you get in DOTA, and while it also means that shutting down the enemy carry is much more difficult, carries are nowhere near as ridiculous in LoL, so it all balances out. In short, LoL is NOT a noob game.
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