Super Mario Galaxy looks and sounds way better than Sunshine ever did, and Galaxy beats Sunshine hands down on gameplay too. Super Mario Galaxy is, quite possibly, the greatest 3D Mario game to date, because it's just such a joy to play. I'm having a blast. GameSpot need to realise that graphics aren't everything though. I was hoping to read an article about the differences in each of the 3D Mario games, but was disappointed. At least they tackled it in a sort of cute, humorous way.
I always enjoy the news coverage E3 brings with it. It's an explosion of great games, press meetings all sorts of interesting news. I guess I wouldn't be sad if E3 was no more, but I would miss that gaming explosion. Also, I want some free swag. :)
It's all well and good redisigning the PSP, but let's hope they actually make some awesome games for it. Well, awesome by my standards, since my PSP is collecting a lot of dust. Silent Hill: Origins will be sweet though. Lighter is nicer, but it seemed to me like the PSP didn't really need to be redisigned to be smaller and lighter, but the additions of video output is super sexy. Still, 5 hour battery life is kind of sucky for a handheld. Let's hope Sony really kick into hyperdrive and give the PSP the attention it deserves.
I've been a fan of Pokémon since Red/Blue, and each game I have enjoyed to no end. I would love to see the next versions of the game (you know there will be one) to maybe focus on all the different regions and create a huge adventure, where it is actually possible to catch every Pokémon. People who are playing Pokémon for the first time through Diamond and Pearl will feel very cheated that they cannot catch every Pokémon without the old GBA games. If Nintendo are going down the route of attracting non-gamers to games, they need to cater their needs as well. I'm rambling. I'll stop now. :)
I am really excited about the new Pokémon games, hopefully mine shall be arriving through the door in the next day or so. I have been a huge fan of the series since the Red/Blue. I was always waiting for them to remake Gold/Silver on the GBA. I thought that would've rounded out the GBA series quite nicely. I'm so glad time has been implemented properly as well, it was one of the things I loved about Gold. Anyway, I love those little critters!
I've imported pretty much all the Pokémon games from America (I live in the UK) and they work fine with PAL copies. I also imported Nintendogs, which works fine with PAL copies, so I won't see any problems. I think there'd only be a problem if you hooked up with a Japanese copy. As for this game. Can't wait. Already got it pre-ordered. Imported, again. Haha, I'm so impatient when it comes to Pokémon games.
I've imported pretty much all the Pokémon games from America (I live in the UK) and they work fine with PAL copies. I also imported Nintendogs, which works fine with PAL copies, so I won't see any problems. I think there'd only be a problem if you hooked up with a Japanese copy. As for this game. Can't wait. Already got it pre-ordered. Imported, again. Haha, I'm so impatient when it comes to Pokémon games.
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