Which is why we should enjoy the years before the massive genocides occur. So go play Disgaea or some other game that restores faith in humanity.
Rather then make a big scary list, I think I'll just name the first eight Ps2 games I love that come to mind~DisgaeaDevil May Cry 3Soul Calibur 3OkamiPersona 3Katamari DamacyKingdom HeartsMGS (I can't pick one, it's all of 'em really)
Tails is still my favorite, many years down the line and Amy Rose still makes my eye-twitch. Nice to know somethings never change.
*signs* It has a cracked hinge and dead pixel, but damn if I'll shell out the money for a new one before it actually chokes and dies. Besides, I'm rather attached to it. ;_;
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