Part 1
Level: 75
Item: NeverMeltIce
Pokedex No: 475
Type: Psychic Fighting
OT: Josh
ID No.: 46217
Nature: Jolly
Personality: "Likes to thrash about"
Likes: Sweet Poffins
HP: 212
Attack: 237
Defence: 131
Sp. Attack: 110
Sp. Defence: 188
Speed: 185
Ability: Steadfast
Moves: Psycho Cut, Close Combat, Leaf Blade, Ice Punch
Ribbions: Effort Ribbion, Sinnoh Champ Ribbion, Ability Ribbion, Alert Ribbion, Shock Ribbion, Downcast Ribbion, Careless Ribbion, Relax Ribbion, Snooze Ribbion, Smile Ribbion, Gorgeous Ribbion, Royal Ribbion, Footprint Ribbion.
Level: 75
Item: Soft Sand
Pokedex No: 034
Type: Poison Ground
OT: Red
ID No.: 48111
Nature: Lax
Personality: "Quick to flee"
Likes: Sour Poffins
HP: 223
Attack: 156
Defence: 163
Sp. Attack: 152
Sp. Defence: 120
Speed: 185
Ability: Poison Point
Moves: Sludge Bomb, Earthquake, Megahorn, Thunder
Ribbions: Hoenn League Champion, Effort Ribbion, Sinnoh League Ribbion, Ability Ribbion, Footprint Ribbion.