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Personal Update 2

Well, I was online more than expected during my "hiatus", and even better, I have Wi-Fi set up at my dad's place. Yay!

I noticed a while back that I'm running dry with my ideas for "Strike of The Aura". I've slept on it, and I may just cancel it... Unless SOMEONE helps me co-write it... You know who you are. ;)

And you may have noticed I bought three games. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, and Rock Band 2. God, with Rock Band and Guitar Hero, I must of put about 300 songs on my iPod. From about 150 bands, too. I have Wi-Fi for both Rock Bandand Fire Emblem, so if you have those games, leave a comment with your FC for both. I recommend all three of these titles.

So now what? I'm leaving for Florida in about a week, so I'll be inactive (really) for the March Break. But I'll be back.

If you live in Orlando (I doubt it) tell me, and I'l come to your house and kill you!!! I mean, uh, beat you at your own games.