Hi Pokelovers! it's me Pokemaster4443 and I really have two things to post up here.
ONE: I finally uploaded my first video of Wii Sports Resort, after a few days of delay. I'm vrey sorry for that, but it's on and posted so check it out at my youtube acount http://www.youtube.com/user/Salametricand watch it. It's my first video and it's called Wii Sports Resort 01-Down to Earth! Hope you like it!
TWO: If you've seen the two unions I 've joined, The Pokemon League Union and the Nintendo All stars union, The Nintendo All Stars Union is having a all out party at the Nintendo All Stars page on the 31st. Be sure to go there at seven!
FINAL NOTE: For my first video, check it at http://www.youtube.com/user/Salametric, and for the Nintendo All stars Union Party and for more information on them check out at there page http://www.gamespot.com/pages/unions/home.php?union_id=NAS and also check out there Leader mario_brawler at his page http://www.gamespot.com/users/mario_brawler/ Until then, see you later Pokemasters!