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PokemonBoy92 Blog

Is It Just me?

Is it just me? Or is the online gaming world starting to get very old?

I have played World of warcraft and i alot other online games for the last 4 years now. And it seems like now when i log on i find myself playing thirty minutes and then logging back off, feeling so unfulfilled!

It's not like i don't enjoy playing the games cause i do! It's that i can't STAND the PEOPLE that are on the games anymore! Take WoW, you play for a couple years have a couple 80's and then you got some total Noob! Who goes on and on about how fast he got his lvl 80, Only to come out and find the he BOUGHT his lvl 80 through i power leveling guide!

Come on people if your going to buy a game to PLAY it the for god's sake EFFING play the game, and get the lvl 80 the right way! By spending hours playing the game doing dungeons and raids! It seems like i can't go one day playing that my guild brings in new player, and ther fine at first, But then they just get very annoying VERY fast!

O well maybe it's just me maybe it's not but i feel now i got this off my chest.

Have fun reading and to all a good night lol :x

Movie Games?!

Okay, I got a little bored today so i thought that i would make anouther rant!

Movie Games?!

Why do they need to make them other then making more money off of a hit movie! The other day i bought Avatar The Game and it was a big let down! The movie was EPIC i can not stop watching it! But the game makes me just want to puke! I know the story was okay. But the game play was just so bad movie your person-Avatar was hard at times and just plan annoying. I want to pull my hair out. I can not believe that such a great movie can turn into such a bad game!

What I think they should do is just stop making Movie Games! They are making so much money in the movies why do they have to try sqeezing out a couple houndred thousand more!

I spent the other day in my local gamestop looking for games myself. And i noticed that most of the people who were buying Movie Games were parents! They were buying them for kids under 8!
So if thats what they are doing making the games for kids under 8 then that is just wrong trying to milk money from KIDS!!! I'm just saying!!
Thanks 4 reading if you are!! Over N' Out!!

Why?? Have Games Gotten Easy Over the years!?

Over the last couple of weeks playing the new pokemon games i noticed one BIG thing playing. The game is so d@mn easy! All pokemon game are mostly easy but the older GEN. games are more challenging you have to train more, you have to do Gym battles over a couple times.

Know playing Soulsliver and Heartgold it just seems like you can fly throw the games i play maybe 1 hour - 2 hour everyday and i have noticed a lot of less changlenging things. So i desided to take out my old Gameboy Color and play Silver and Gold and they are DEF. harder not by much but still.

Why do they have to Dumb the games down so much! they should just keep them the same!

The people who make the game should keep in mind that not only does younger kids play the games but older kids that grow up with the series and games.

At first i just thought it was maybe just cause i played the first games and i know what happens. But i asked a couple of my friends and they noticed it 2.

And you know it is bad when my five year old cousin who just got the games and HeartGold was his first ever pokemon game. Even he said the game was easy! How can that be? 2 most five year olds games are hard and most kids get upset cause they can't bet them.

I guess i have gone on for i long Rant here so i gues i am going to stop my Rant. Hey you never know maybe more people feel this way!! Most likely not! lol :o