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PokemonEX356 Blog

Recent Pickups 2-3-2012

Hey, guys! Here's some more of my recent pickups! 1. Summon Night Twin Age (DS) I've wanted this game for awhile, but I never could find it or at the time, I didn't have enough money for it. I got this game for 4 dollars which was a great deal. I've heard some good things about this game and I'm excited to play it. I played it once to see if it looked good and it does. I can't wait to play more of it! 2. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy) I wished I read the comic books before I watched the movies. But this is a really funny film! There's plenty of action and comedy to keep you entertained. I got this for 10 dollars which was a great price. I would recommend this film is you like the comic books or like comedy movies. Maybe someday if I ever find the comic books, I'll read them. 3. Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Volume 2 I've been reading a lot of manga lately and I was so happy to get this for only ten dollars! I haven't had the chance to read it yet, but I'm excited for this manga. I enjoyed Sailor Moon back when I was younger. Hopefully, I'll read the other volumes sometimes. Well, that's my pickups. See you guys next time for my next ones!

Recent Pickups 1-23-2012

Hey, guys! Here's some more stuff I picked up. 1. Monster Tale (DS) I waited awhile to get this game. I thought it was cute. I was originally going to get when it first came out, but I thought no one would buy it. How wrong I was! I was amazed at how good this game was. The good reviews were right. The music, the graphics, and the sound effects are top notch. There are some things I don't like such as the back tracking and there could have been more voice acting, but I'm not complaining much. Maybe I'll make a review of it. 2. The Help (Blu-Ray/DVD) I rented this movie when it first came out on DVD back in December 2011. I loved the movie. It was better than I thought. So I decided to buy it on Blu-Ray and DVD. This is a wonderful movie. There are some funny parts and there are some sad parts, but either way, this movie was great. I haven't read the book yet, though. Well, that's my small pickups. I'm not sure what I'll get next time. Maybe some Blu-Rays, DVDs, manga, or video games? Just wait and see text time! See ya!

Recent Pickups 1-2-2012

Hey guys! I went shopping and bought some cool stuff with my Christmas money. 1. Ah! My Goddess! Season 2 Volume 2: I Only Want to Be with You I've never really watched this show, so I decided to give it a try. I bought this at FYE for about $12. This was a great deal because a lot of anime is expensive. This is a really cool box set, but I'm disappointed that there's no extras in the box. It's just the DVD. But I'm not complaining much here. So far, I've only watched one episode. This show is funny. I would highly recommend this series. 2. iPod Touch (8G) I bought this with my Christmas money. I'm so happy I have one. I already downloaded Angry Birds and the Total Drama World Tour: Drop 'o' Shame game. Hopefully I can buy some Hatsune Miku songs from the iPod Store, as well as some other games. I'm amazed at how much this thing can do. I wish I'd got the ones that have 32 or 64GB because there's a lot of stuff on my iPod! Well, that's some of the stuff I bought with my Christmas money. I'll probably save the rest for a PS3 or a 3DS or maybe the upcoming PlayStation Vita. See you next time guys!

2012 Expectations

Hey guys! I can't wait for 2012! I wonder what new events will come our way! 2012 also means new releases of video games! So in this blog pots, I'm going to show you guys what games I'm expecting in 2012. Now this is a list of the stuff I'm excited for. The stuff you may be looking forward next year may not be on here. Please respect my opinions in this list. 1. Mario Party 9 After Mario Party DS, I always wondered if Nintendo was ever going to make another Mario Party. I guess they are. I just hope that in this game, they improve on all the other game and brought back the elements that made the ones on the N64 so great. 2. Rhythm Heaven Fever I really enjoyed the original Rhythm Heaven on DS. Yes, I did think it was a little too hard, but it was still enjoyable. Hopefully, Nintendo will listen to complaints about the last one and make this one better. I'm curious about how they'll use the controls. I can't wait to see! 3. Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 I do not have the previous game, nor do I have a PS3 yet (I'm going to get one next year). But I'm excited for this game. Granted, the last game had alot of so-so reviews, but I'm curious how it will turn out. 4. Kid Icarus: Uprising Again, I do not have a 3DS. I'm planning to get one. Anyways, it's about time that Nintendo gave us another entry into the Kid Icarus series. This was the first game I heard they announced on the 3DS. This game will truly show the 3DS's power. The graphics look amazing and the game itself looks breath taking. I'm can't wait to see this one in action! 5. Tales of Graces f I always wanted this game to come to US because it looks awesome. I've never played a Tales game before and the graphics look amazingly colorful and bright. This game looks epic and I'm sure it will be a great entry in the Tales series. 6. Xenoblade Chronicles YES!!!! Thank you Nintendo! I know that this will please alot of fans. I've heard of alot of people who imported this game, but I'm so happy it's coming to US for the first time! I've heard of amazing things about this game. I can't wait for it! I hope that they will localize Pandora's Tower and The Last Story 7. Lollipop Chainsaw The fact that this game was made by Suda 51 is enough for me to buy this game. This game looks like insanely fun. Another thing I'm excited for is that the main character, Juliet Starling, is voiced by voice actress Tara Strong, who voiced tons of cartoon characters! 8. Wii U So, there is going to be a sequel for the Wii system. I'm just dying to see how this is going to turn out. Although, I do think the controller and the system look really weird. The controller looks real big and I wonder if it will even fit in my hands. I have heard that the system will be backward compatible with the Wii, but it will not play anything GameCube related. 9. PlayStation Vita The 3DS has a new rival! I already have a PSP, but I might get the Vita because it's backward compatible with the PSP. But I might wait a while to get it because the games that are at launch don't really interest me. I will get one, but when there are more interesting games on it. Well, there's my list. I hope you are looking forward for 2012 and the games that you're looking to buy. See you in 2012!

Merry Christmas!

Hey, guys! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas this year! I have to admit that this Christmas isn't as good as last year's. There are some items I have to take back that I received because they didn't work like I thought they did. I got Anime Studio Debut 8 and I HATE IT! It's just a cheap piece of software. (in my opinion) I was extremely disappointed with it and I hope to take it back and get something else. But on the better side, I got a Sony Blu Ray player and it ROCKS! It does Netflix and I've been watching Hetalia and Shuffle! on there. Plus, the picture quality is amazing! Has anyone watched any of Miyazaki's films? I love them all so much. I got My Neighbor Totoro on DVD. I already saw the film once, but I haven't watched the DVD yet. I only watched some of the bonus features on the second disc it came with. I hope to get all of the Studio Ghibli films one day. I also got some money for Christmas. I might either get a 3DS or a iPod Touch. I can't decide. I want to spend my money and I want to to make sure it stretches. But, we'll have to wait and see. That's all. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Years to every user on GameSpot


Hey guys! I want you guys to know that I also use GameFaqs. You can automatically get one if you join GameSpot. I write my reviews on there. I kinds like writing them on there instead of GameSpot, in my opinion. But I like editing my collection on GameSpot better though. Just wanted to tell you guys in case you wanted to see any. I working on one, but it probably won't be done for a while.

I'm Here

Hello. Finally, I got a GameSpot account. The reason why I am here to to share my thoughts of video games, give honest reviews about them, and to increase my video game collection. It will take some time for me to review some games because I'm not at level 3 yet. But someday, I will be. Thanks for your time.