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Pokeratxbox Blog

alright, my first blog

as my posts implies, i'm a lemming, but i'm still buying the ps3 when its cheap, and i'll buy a wii when i find one . but for now, here is the 360 08 line-up. i'm buying the bolded games when i get money

gears of war 2

fable 2

Ninja gaiden 2

lost oddysssy

too human

infinite undicovery

left 4 dead

frontline, fuel(s) of wa

Cudelcept saga

Doa code chronus

tales of vesperia

the dishwaster dead samurai

castle crashers

specteral force 3

all points bulletion

cry on

manga carta 2


banjo 3


white gold

dead island

the precurocers


are going to make me broke in 08

to me,this = the ps3 08 line-up