Recently an X-box 360, and PS3 have found their way into my possession. I'm enjoying both systems so far, in both the graphical and gameplay fields. Vastly superior to their last model. However, I've been placed in quite the dilemma....I have almost no games for them. A tragedy, I know, to have obtained such advanced (and expensive....) pieces of machinery and not be be able to put them to good use. It's a shame. Although, I happen to have the honor of being tracked blog friends with whomever may be reading this (and if not, we should be). So I what I want from you guys is this: Please, suggest me some good games, for both systems if you could. I have a few in mind, but I need my mind broadened. A whole new world of video games has become available to me now, it wouldn't be right of me to let it go to waste. So if you could just take thirty seconds of your time to write one or two names down of some good games, I'd be ever so grateful. Thank you. Fair wins gamespot.
Pol1amorou5 Blog
Final Fantasy Gams I'm Currently in the Middle of Finishing....
by Pol1amorou5 on Comments
i have this problem with Final Fantasy.
I start it then don't finish it. The only one I've finished is Dirge of Cerburus, and thats not even like the other ones. Currently though I'm in the middle of, 4, 7, 8, 10, 10-2, and 12.
I'm drawing near the end of 8, 10-2, and 12 though, so we'll see how it goes! >:O
Final Fantasy 7
by Pol1amorou5 on Comments
So I just got FF7* for the first time. I've played before, but that was when i was like 6 so i don't remember anything. Basically I wanted to see if it was worth the hype, the movie, and the still going game extensions. I haven't beat it yet, but so far I'd have to say yes. And it's a good thing too, because the movie was awsome, Dirge of cerberus was hella fun, and Crisis Core looks really cool (I haven't played it yet). Being a Final Fantasy game of course the gameplay is fun, but it's not different from every othe FF game (despite the use of Materia). It's probably just the solid story line that people look at. I must admit it is very well told, and (hopefully) percieved. So I'm gonna go keep playing it, and when I'm done I'll probably write a review sooooooo...check that out
*haha, this is funny, so the way I obtained this game. There are people an like, eBay paying hundreds of dollars for this game. It is a HUGE, defining game. Many call it the best game ever made. So I'm staying the night at my friends house, and he knows I like Final Fantasy. He's more of a fast violence kinda kid so he's like "Do you want a Final Fantasy game?" so i say "Sure which one?", and he says "I don't know, an old one. It's for PlayStation one" so I search his stuff and find 7. I'm pretty much p*ssing in my pants at this point. I just got aforementioned Huge defining hundred dollar game.....for free. Balls to the wall awdome.
Favorite Games
by Pol1amorou5 on Comments
So lately, ive been kinda thinking about what my favorite game may be. Overall It's probably going to be a ti between Persona 4, and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Those are two absolutley perfect games as far as I'm concerned. And Ocarina of Time was a generation defining game, up there with Mario64 and Super Smash Brothers. This is a really rough decicion though. If you were to ask "Hey Liam whats your favorite game?" it would probably depend on what you meant by "favorite". Overall my top five would probably be (in no particular order)
1.Persona 4
2.The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
3.Resident Evil 4
5.Metroid Fusion
But in means of like story line, or gameplay, theyd be different. Like if you said "Story Line" I'd replace RE4 and Metroid with Metal Gear solid (series), .hack//G.U. (series). But in terms of gameplay i may take out Metroid Fusion and replace it with Metroid Prime, or Devil May Cry 3. None of it is quite Gospel yknow?
So anywho, my whole logic behind this "blog" is just that, do people even have like, a favorite anything? or does it all depend on the timing, 4 years from now i might be saying " screw persona, Mario is where its at!". So in that essence, the idea of a favorite, or best, anything would be a contradiction. But at the same time one video game, or one movie, or one anything, would inevitably stick out to you more than others. So now i am left with nothing but a cacophony of questions. Do you think a "favorite anything exist? be it food, or book or whatever. And if so, what is your favorite game? and why do think i had a phylisophical rant over such a simple question?...........why am i so dumb? XD
Help me out
by Pol1amorou5 on Comments
My birthday approaches. Now, i alway get presents, and a decent amount of $ for my birthday. Latley my 120 some games have been boring me, so i thought id buy a new one. I really REALLY want Shin Megami Tensei lll: Nocturne, which id have to get over the internet. Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 comes out on my birthday, so i was thinking maybe that. I could also wait until The new Resident Evil is out 10 days after birthday, and buy that. I also realized that i don't actually OWN any .hack games which i love. I'm just really not sure what to buy. I'd ask for some for my birthday but the only present i'm getting is "too expensive" to get anything besides it :p. so ya even though i have like what 2 or three friends? itd still be nice to hear your input. I'm really leaning turns Nocturne. Shin Megami Tensei games are sich and that one looks really cool.
........damn it
I just realized i don't have Metroid Prime 2" Echoes either XD
by Pol1amorou5 on Comments
I just went over my blogs, and realized that the word "so" appeared in almost every sentence. Upon noticing this i have decided to be on constant "so" guard. The word will be used only when necessary. its like the f word, feel free to use, not abuse. I also noticed that ever since i deleted my old blogs it looks like all i write about is .hack, directly or not. this probably wont last long, Its just that i only recently found myself involved with the series, novels, anime, manga, games, movies, and all. I'm pretty much just really into it right now, it wont last long. Not that you care, i dont think i offend you by playing .hack, but if i do, i sincerley apologize :(
........I Love you, im sorry for playing .hack :(
by Pol1amorou5 on Comments
so i just got the .hack//G.U. novel. Like the movie instead of following the exact game story its all started from the original storyboards and character concepts, so though itll be basically the same story, its gonna be a little different. So I'm hoping that's gonna be ballin. It's written alot better than the .hack//Another_Birth series of novels, which felt directed at 5 year olds. This book actually requires some thought, and has BIG WORDS! so anyway, i'm looking forward to reading that, and all the future .hack releases. soooooooo bye
Well fudge
by Pol1amorou5 on Comments
so my friend let me borrow his copys of .hack//G.U. vol.1 and vol.2, so i beat the first one. upon trying to play the second I found the idsc did not work, which sucked cuz i was totally in a .hack groove. So after about a year, we finally went and buffed it out, to which it responded positively. So im playing it and im all into it and stuff, and I get to a certain point in the game where I realize ive been spending like 10 minutes staring at a loading screen.......damn it. i mean basically it doesnt matter because ive seen the movie so i could just play the third one, or look it up online but where are the bragging rights? I guess I'll just try to have it fixed again.
Might as well move to japan
by Pol1amorou5 on Comments
If there is one thing that is really annoying, its when a game comes to america in limited quantities. after awhile some games are virtually impossible to find in stores , let alone for a fair price. and i know i could just order them off the internet, but they should also be in stores as well. Its the basic concept of marketing, they release limited amounts pf these cult followed games so they can increase the price. "How many there are and how much the public wants it" thats what decides price. so when they release a game in extremely limited numbers in another country its or money, and one other simple thing. Popularity. Humans seem to feel the need to own that which is hardly accessible. so when a company does release in small numbers, people become aware of them, and want more of their under stocked titles. And I do not say this with contempt, it's fine with me, it's just a little annoying when you can't find a game. And i know there are other factors involved in numbers besides the aforementioned reasons. Well that was my rant.
oh and as far as i can tell the U.K. has it worse than america does
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