Alot of people in the past 9 years have been saying that The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of time is overated. Well, sure if you think people loving this game and it getting a perfect 10 on gamespot is being ''Overated'' then you can think that all you like and be one of the odd few who do! It is not overated or spoken about too much its simply hard to move on and leave this game in a pile of Oldies as been as it shall be the foundation to every other upcoming game in the series! If you look at the newest addition Twilight Princess than you shall see even 9 years on it's surroundings and storylines are still based on Ocarina of time! Okay so it might not be the greatest game of all time as some of you negative people think but it has touched few hearts.
P.S the point of this blog is to call out to people and tell them not to keep saying ''Ooo this is so overated! .. its not that good.''
So stop putting it down just because its old and people still talk about it!
C*lassics still deserve fame.