SoI've had my n64 laying around for the past couple of years just gathering dust and I recently found my old copy of Star Fox 64. After buying a new power chord for the machine, I decided to power it up again and the 1st game I popped in was Star Fox 64. Oddly, I haven't been able to put it down for the past week. Right now I'm in the process of trying to earn all the medals, but halfway through my second playthrough I started thinking, "Why hasn't this franchise seen more than 2 titles with this formula in the past 20 years?" The gameplay is downright addicting,even if it isa lot easier than I remember as a kid. Almost evey level is vastly different from one another, the bosses were all seem unique even if the method to killing each one is rather similar, and some of the water levels still had me in awe of the artistic direction. In the end, something about seeing these unreasonably upbeat (probably to the point of psychosis),anthropomorphic killing machines take down wave after wave of enemy shipsputs a smile on my face everytime. :D
Now I know there have been a1 or 2 Star Fox games on the Gamecube, but they changed the formula up so much thatthey barely even felt like a Star Fox game besides familiar faces and names. Maybe the team behind the series is trying to hard to "keep up" with gaming trends, but I seriously think that if they would stick to the formula and just try to make it bigger and better where appropriate and expand on everything the core series offered, it could still be a muchbigger and more popularfranchise. Imo this is the most under utilized franchise in Nintendo's arsenal and probably on any console.
Which brings me to e3 2011. If Nintendo's new system (whatever it's going to be called) were toshowcase with a new Star Fox game I would seriously consider buying it the month it launches. The amazing new worlds they could create along with graphical improvements to the arwing, the characters themselves, and literally everything, would be nothing short of amazing. Even though I know there's no reason to assume that a new Star Fox game like the originals will begin development anytime soon, I still find myself wondering (like every other jaded gamer) how great a game it would,could, and should be...
'Couldn't agree more? 'Think I'm letting nostalgia get the best of me? Or maybe you think my blog downright sucks. :(
Either way, feel free to let me know what you think. :)