This was my biggest concern with the system from the jump. The cost of developing a high end exclusive for the system is difficult to justify for most 3rd party devs. Sony would've had to have really knocked the launch out of the park to get publishers on board
Judging from how they handled the psp, they'll likely release a newer version at the original price point next year with all the revisions in it. It would be nice to see a newer improved system at the cheaper price though.
I'm glad they were finally able to work out a Borderlands release for Vita. That along with the price cut might be enough to win me back, but I'm still playing the waiting at least a bit longer.
If true, you can't blame Bethesda. But, Activision said the same thing about Sleeping Dogs which was already 90-95% complete by the time they canned it and it wound up being one of the best games of this gen imo. Obviously Bethesda isn't as bad as Activision from a greed standpoint, but sometimes a publisher's vision of a game isn't always in tune with the developers. And regardless of who knows what's best for the game/franchise the publisher will most likely win out.
Why live action and not just really good, interactive in-game cinematics like we've seen recently with Quantic Dreams' games? Live action stuff in gaming never seems to fit imo and I'd be willing to bet most gamers agree. And with all the tech at developers disposal this gen, live action seems even more pointless.
I think it could still be fun. I'd say DR 1 and 2 both took their stories seriously so that's not really a departure. I hope they have more colorful settings though. I'm not really a fan of the brown on beige on grey look.
Poncho_Hachacha's comments