i seen a site that had gears of war 3 for the pc thats what i was talking about not gears 2. I could care less about gears 2. I know it crappy, but about gears 3 I posted it above it shows gears 3 on pc and 360. www.gamesradar.com
everyone doesn't want to be on a xbox 360 . why does xbox sale things to hook up you controllers to the pc. If you go to their website they have gears of war on there for 20 bucks. What better way to compete with steam is release gears of war 3 on pc also. This time announce that you are putting it out on pc. Why do you have a site that has gfw (games for windows) in the first place. There are always going to be pc gamers i mean look at WOW. You guys have the best of both markets and you are losing ground to steam because you are so worried about your xbox 360. What is going to happen when you lose almost all of it. Steam is almost like you are to ps3 in the gaming market although on p.c. You are the top software company in the world and make tones on money do something useful with it. You guys could control almost the pc market and console market if you made them cross playable. How would Sony compete with pc users and xbox users playing together. People would buy from m.s. because of the more players like people buy from steam today because the more players. You could turn things around. Putting Fable 3 on pc was a start but why stop there. Yes i like gears of war and can't wait to play gears 3 and i would rather have it on a p/c. One things i think you are on the fence because you want to gain ground in the pc area but you are afraid buy releasing gears of war 3 on pc will have a lot of people jump ship and got to pc because you guys know that really you are in a rock in a hard place right now because you really can't do nothing until 3D tv's come down and you will have to cloud everything because you don't want to pay Sony money for using their blue ray. You upped the price of Gold membership to 60 bucks. Everything you offer on xbox live you can get free on the computer. netflix, espn,facebook,Hulu,Last fm. atnd video chat with msn or yayhoo or google. What are we paying for free stuff and you put it on the xbox and make it look like you giving us something. We already pay for netflix. PS3 offers all this stuff for free. Trying to take away some of wii's market because you are a stand still when it comes to the console. Sony if just following you guys to keep you on your toes. Kinect really how long do you think that is going to last. I used to play the wii for a bit then after a while it got boring its more of a group event most of xbox player base is one or two players at the max. You might sale some at the start but once people see how dumb it is they will move on i think the ps move looks more appealing because of the shooters. My goal is buy next year to have a fulling running computer entertainment system running (windows) of course with all pc games hooked to a flat screen. Using your Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows to be able to connect up to four controllers. Also using my free xbox live silver account to play online for free. See Microsoft you still get paid just not going to use me as your atm anymore. ps. free map packs to no more 10/20 bucks for content that you get for free on pc. Sorry so long but thats how i feel. Well take care.. xbl gamertag POOHBEAR CA
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