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The Scout who cried MEDIC!

There once was a scout who was bored as he sat on the battlements watching his health bar during a sudden death match. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Medic! Medic! I'm hurt"

The medic came running up from the intel to help the scout heal. But when they arrived at the battlements, scout was not hurt. The the scout laughed at the sight of the angry medics face.

"Don't cry 'medic', little scout," said the medic, "when you have full health" He went grumbling back down to the (Now Stolen) intel.

Later, the scout sang out again, "Medic! Medic! I'm on fire!" To his naughty delight, he watched the Medic come from his heavy to help the scout.

When the medic saw no flames they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'medic' when you are not on fire!"

But the scout just grinned as he heard the medic's heavy scream as gore flew everywhere.

Later, the scout saw a Sniper! moments later he shot the scout, taking down half of his health. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "MEDIC! MEDIC!"

But the medic thought he was trying to fool him again, and so he didn't come.

It was nearly the end of the match, everyone wondered why the scout hadn't returned to help the fight down below. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him bleeding in a messy heap with two 80 caliber bullets nailing him to the floor.

A kindly spy helped the scout back to the respawn room for the next round.

"You'll be okay, just wait for the next round" he said, putting his arm around the scout, "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"

Portal Review

Portal, a game that is famous in a number of ways, first it's gameplay is a unique using portals to do the inpossible, but its not all that, physical objects must react with the portals, and you do too, the game is capable of making the most advanced physics with portals. Even this makes the game amazing. Portals storyline is set in the world of Half-Life 2, the story takes place inside Black Mesa's worst enemy, Aperture Laboratories. You, a women named chell have been captured by Aperture Laboratories and have been forced to stay there as a test subject i wont spoil anything else but there is another side to the story. The administrator of aperture laboratories was a human until they got the technology to build aa robot,not any robot,one with memories, and emotions. this lead to the red phone, the story for that is in the huge room that contained the robot hanging from the ceiling. Anyways, a man would stand guard at a desk near the entrance to the room, If robot got out of control he would use the red phone to call for more assistance, that worked for a while, but then the robot went a little too crazy and took over the entire Aperture Laboratories Building. The graphics are Half-Life 2 **** nice reflections, some nice lighting and some really nice textures.

The level design was one of the most brutally beat at subject, all it takes is to visit the developers commentary to realize that. Coloring is another large focus too, the reason Chell (you) is wearing an orange suit is to stand out against the colder colors of the building and rooms. also lighting is useful to leading the players eye to objects. some items or surfaces may signal a player to do something, for instance concrete surfaces with a checkerboard area signal the player to fling itself over an obstical using momentum.

Now, thing that made portal famous is the Cake, 'The Cake is a Lie' is a famous quote from inside little nook in Aperture Laboratories where somebody who was trapped in Aperture Laboratories had hid and wrote the cake is a lie 5 times times, one on top of the other. at the end you actually figure out about the cake. then following is another famous bit of portal, The song "Still Alive" written by Jonathan Coulton and sung by Ellen Mclain, who also acts the robots voice throughout the game. Still alive is a funny emotional song sung in a robot voice.

The first portal was called Narbacular Drop, This game was a student project, soon they started a more enhanced version of it called Portal Which is what you've been reading about. When playing portal GLADoS (The robot) will hint about things like "You will be baked and then there will be cake." and "When the testing is over you will be Missed", The hints grow stronger until she finally attempts to kill you. Therefore beginning the great escape. to make a long story short, you'll feel like your cheating the system and breaking all these things in the attempt to destroy the robot for trying to kill you and making you kill the faithful weighted companion cube with your own hands. (Spoiler: In the end you will throw all the bits of GLADoS into the same machine that killed your companion cube.)

Portal is available inside the orange box and can also be bought independently although i do recomend picking the whole orange box package up.

Far Cry 2 & Crysis should not be compaired.

I was just thinking about how many people compair Crysis and Far Cry 2, when really they shouldn't be compaired, not even to anything. There are obviously the Crysis, and Far Cry 2 fans out there and they seem to want their game to win in a un-written compitition that just makes people angry. Both are really great games, but Crysis, and Far Cry 2 both have there ups and downs and should not be bashed at by fanboys who have nothing better to do than say a little game is worse or better than another game. It's really getting on my nerves. :cry:

Crysis may have better graphics, and AI. But Far Cry 2 has performance, because it lacks a tiny bit of graphical content. This speeds it up making it more easy/fun to play. But those with powerful rigs may judge Far Cry 2 a little worse, due to knowing what crysis can show you. The AI in Far Cry 2 is more varied, but maybe not quite as pristine. Crysis may have a good storyline, but its too linear. In Far Cry 2 every action changes the story. making it almost completely un-linear. Etc... :roll:

Overall i give Far Cry 2 a 9.6/9.8.

And i give Crysis a 9.6/9.8.

There, now stop bashing. ;)

Hello. Poonybug Here!

Hey, i just got to gamespot, which i signed up to a year ago but never actually did anything with my profile etc...

So anyways, Hi! I am new here, and i hope you guys leave a comment or something. Thanks!
