Nick Carter-Can you say "fake thug"? Not if I kick your teeth in, you can't. That's what I would like to do to this buttwhipe. First, he gets rich by being a sissy and exploiting the idiocy of the 12 year old girl/25 year old gay man. Then, when that fad washes out, he tries to become a whigger. If I ever met Nick Carter in person, I would wait for him to walk past me, then i would bludgeon him with my shoe.
Kevin Pollack-For some reason, Kevin Pollack just pisses me off. He is an OK comedian, but he plays the same snide, smug butthole in every movie. The only way I can watch a movie with Kevin Pollack in it without breaking cinder blocks over my head in anger is if I have 3 Italian baronesses "entertaining" me while I'm watching it.
Michael Moore-I hate this fat, lying piece of human garbage. If he ever came up to me and wanted to put me in one of his movies, I would grab his camera and shove it sideways up his bulbous ass. I'm sure it would easily fit.
Mo'Nique-Now, I'm not a racist by any means. In fact, I've donated many ounces of VG Juice while watching Halle Berry ride Billy Bob Thronton like a unicycle. But I hate this freaking woman. She's one of those chicks that still thinks she's sexy, despite the fact that she's a fat pig. Yep, there is nothing sexier than a woman whose neck looks like a pack of hot dogs. Since I don't believe in violence towards women, I would probably hire some really ratty homeless girl to bite Mo'Nique right in the face.
Scott Stapp from Creed-Religious rockers......gimme a break. Rock is supposed to be about OD'ing on smack, taking a piss on your passed out girlfriend, and, above all else, worshipping Satan! And nothing is worse than a guy who wears decorative rings and bracelets.
The Queer Eye guys-I HATE gay people who only talk about one thing: being gay. I don't hate ALL people, just goons like these guys, who exploit their homosexuality so they can make a ton of money, then blow that money on turtlenecks, leather shoes and KY Jelly. I hope these guys get hit buy a bus driven by Ted Nugent.
Stephen A. Smith-This jackass is hardly a celebrity, but I put him on the list anyways. Another guy with a fake attitude. He is always yelling at everyone, disregarding their opinions, and just acting like an ass (Hey, hey acts just like me!). He and Jim Rome use these "in your face" attitudes, mainly so they can stand out in the crop of generic sports commentators. I hope Mike Tyson bites Stephen A Smith's nose off.
Bono-Bono doesn't mind doing nice things for people, as long as EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS ABOUT IT. This guy is such a publicity hound. He's very good at what he does though, which is, making tons of money by doing charitable things. What a stand up guy. He helps the needy, then speeds away in his solid gold car.
Brett Favre-I have to skip my rant about Favre, since I could say something that I might regret. Just know this: I hate Brett Favre with every fiber of my being.
Paris Hilton-I'm waving my "No chick hitting" rule here, since she's not even really a woman. She is a harpy sent from hell to destroy America by being the epitome of why every country in the world hates us. She is idolized for millions for being nothing more than a spoiled, above average looking legspreader. She shows up to premieres of events she has nothing to do with, just so she can pose for pictures, and pretend to be upset when she gets into her limo and you can see her bare snatch.
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