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Even more ideas for the next generation consoles

More fully featured voice integration

Personally, I think that all next generation consoles should come with a headset mic, so you could issue voice commands in more games. Sure, some of these ideas could be easy to implement, like the ability to call plays in a football game, or add custom voice samples to a fighting game character or something, but I think there are more untapped ideas when it comes to voice recognition. I'm not sure what they are, but I'm sure there are smart developers who know what to do with the idea.

A 3 disc changer

This idea will never happen, but I think it would be somewhat handy to have a console in which you can load 3 games into it, just like a CD changer, so you wouldn't have to constantly put games in and out. As a person who almost always plays multiple games in a day, this would really be a neat addition.

Spectator Mode for online sports games

If I see one of my friends is in a game online, I want to watch that game, dammit! Limit this feature to one spectator per player, and it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, let the spectators use their voice chat to possible commentate the game, or talk extra trash ;)

Those are all the ideas I have for today :|

Song O' Da' Day: Hidden in Plain View- Ashes Ashes