It's for Applebee's, and I'm sure you've seen it. Here's the jist of it.
The friendly neighborhood Applebee's staff is closing up late one night, and they have the TV on. They see the local high school football team playing an important game, and of course, it's pouring down rain. Apparently, Hollywood thinks that every single sporting event should be played in monsoon type rains (see: The Fan, that one football movie with Kurt Gibson and Robin Williams). The TV says that now the team won't make it to the playoffs! Oh rascals! So the Applebee's staff is bummed, but they continue to close down the store. But what should they see outside in the parking lot?! Why, the football team's bus, of course! A couple beaten up, sad players come walking out of the bus, and one of them says something like "I guess we're too late, let's go home guys." Of course, the friendly neighborhood Applebee's employees all buck up, and offer to stay a little longer.....TO FEED AN ENTIRE FOOTBALL TEAM! Now, I work at a Senior Center, where one of my many tasks involves feeding old people. I only do this 3 hours a day, and there is no way in HELL I would stay longer to feed even a couple people who just walked in. However, these friendly neighborhood Applebee's employees are willing to extend their likely 8 hour shifts, so they can stay for probably more than an hour to feed, again, AN ENTIRE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM! Gimme a break. I swear, some of the ad wizards who come up with this garbage need to be fed to cannibalistic circus midgets.
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