Lately, a lot of health "experts" have broken the shocking news that fast food places like McDonald's aren't as healthy as you would think. They are saying that a regular meal from McDonalds or Burger King, or any fast food joint for that matter, is bad for you. Honestly, I'm shocked. Never did I think that the chest pains I got after eating 5 MCDonald's double cheeseburgers in 20 minutes were bad for me, I just thought it was my heart growing and getting stronger! When I noticed my ass expanding horizontally about the same time I decided to stop at Taco Bell for lunch everyday, I had just assumed that I was growing into a mature young man. But, to my amazement, this was not the case. Of course, I am being sarcastic. Does ANYONE eat at a fast food restaurant because they think it's healthy, because I certainly don't. I know the risks that come with pigging out on fast food, and I choose to ignore them, because you can only life once, and I have chosen to live my life by eating whatever the hell I want, regardless of how many grams of fat are in it, or if it has too many carbs, or if it's loaded with trans fatty acids. I think this goes for a lot of people here, they eat fast food because they like it, or because it's convienient, I don't think they stop off for a Whopper on their way to the health club.
I have actually seen people try to eat healthy at a place like McDonalds. But why even bother? Is a McDonalds salad so great? Come on people, eating any kind of fast food is bad for you. So quit trying to find all these secret diet tips that allow you to eat your 20 piece box of McNuggets, then drop 10 pounds. Instead, put down the burger, and get your tubby butt outside and get some exercise.
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