The key for having a really smooth gaming experience is having the FPS match the hz or refresh rate of the monitor. I was playing the old PC game Rune on my Viewsonic P225f which is a high end CRT. My PC was able to run the game at a steady 75fps while the monitor was refreshing 1600X1200 @ 75hz. Having the fps and refresh rate in sync like that is as good as it gets.
They are keeping this one in the oven because they know it better be good. The Witcher 3 may have them a little nervous as some have posted. But I don't think it is Witcher 3 Bioware is looking out for, I think it is Dark Souls 2.
I scrolled down and didn't see anyone mention Dark Souls 2. It is my most anticipated game of all. Is it low on the hype meter because it is slated for current generation consoles and PC only? Dark Souls was my favorite game this console gen. Last gen it was Ninja Gaiden. I'm a glutton for punishment, lol!
@ICE_PREDATOR In the original PC games the bow was part of the stealth gameplay. You had water arrows that would quench out torches making the area darker and giving more shadow to hide in. There were moss arrows that covered noise generating ground like steel plating with soft quiet moss. Then there were rope arrows that you shot on to places like balcony's where you would use the rope to shimmy and climb up. So the bow was really a key tool in keeping yourself sneaky and getting around the environment. It was used for much more than just sniping enemies.
Fromsoft and the publisher know what great games Demon and Dark souls are. They see how these games grew out of obscurity to contend for the action RPG crown. Now you are telling me they are going to throw all that out the window and make DS2 some about face, watered down, cookie cutter title?
I guess anything is possible, but I give them more credit in the smarts department than that. Dark Souls 2 is the most important game to come out of Japan in ages and they know it. Dark Souls 2 is going to take the action RPG genre by storm. That is my prediction!
I never buy a lot of new games. Very rare that I buy any title at launch, been burned too many times. But I took exception with Tomb Raider because I was intrigued by her bow and the earthy environment she was in. I was also impressed with the production quality that was evident in videos. I lucked out this time and got a great game.
But most of my games I buy are older console titles or sale games off Steam. There are a lot of games in my library that cost $30 or much less. I'm not poor but asking $60 for a game is asking a lot, so I rarely cough it up. Especially when there are so many great games to be had at a discount.
I have never played a previous Tomb Raider and I have never played any Uncharted games. I am the perfect target audience for this game! The only thing I really don't care for are the QTEs, which I consider to be gameplay thieves. But they are mostly in the early game and seem to get weeded out as the game progresses.
For me TR is an great blend of platforming, stealth, combat, puzzle solving, exploring, discovery, all presented in a beautiful package with spot on controls and an excellent camera. I'm enjoying the heck out of this game!
Jedi Outcast was the first Star Wars game I ever played. Played it on PC. Not only a great Star Wars game, but a great action adventure game overall. If you haven't played it you are missing out on a real classic. The PC version had a mod so you could sever limbs and heads with the lightsaber. That was icing on the cake for an already great game!
Photo realism in reality is an art style rather than a actual rendering of everything as it actually appears and behaves. That is an impossible goal to achieve. Not only tech wise, but money and resource wise. It's never going to happen.
Poordevil's comments