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PopSuperFly Blog

add me plz

hey if u have xbox live, please add me, my gamer tag is  Angels Of 3vil , the only thing is that i wont be able to talk because my cat killed my mic, he chewed right through the wire and i have to buy a new one:evil:

finally!! add me plz

hey everyone, i got my 360 elite on friday. I know i didnt post it then but i was busy playing gears. for anyone who wants to add me on live this is my gamertag, Angels Of 3vil, i look foward to playing with u. P.S. im going to be posting same pics of my elite on my next blog post, so stay in touch for that. it looks pretty sweet because i bought a gears of war faceplate for it. awesome faceplater, anyway, cya

gears of war team?

i was just wondering wat team u would rather play gears of war on, COGS or the LOCUST?

i personally would rather play as the COGS, wat about u?

xbox 360 elite

hey everyone, as you all know the xbox 360 elite is coming out soon.and I'm going to be a proud owner of one. I went into eb games and i was planning to get the normal xbox 360 premium,but, the guy behind the counter convinced me to wait until next week when they come out. I'm not sure when they come out for u guys but for me, I'm getting it on Friday, may 4, i cant wait.the days seem as if they are 3 times as long just because I'm waiting to get this thing. the elite is an awesome deal, that's my opinion, its comes black, controller black, headset black. also, probably the most impressive thing about it is the massive 120GB hard-drive, that's 100 more gigs than the premium. u also get an hdmi cable, so that if u have a high-def TV or surround sound its perfect for u. and yes, i have both, i just got a new samsung 40" LCD TV, and i had surround sound so a long time already. the game im most looking forward to get playing is gears of war. amazing graphics on that game. yes, i'v played the game many times before i will on my elite, but so far i have'nt gotten the chance to play it in high-def or with surround sound, CAN'T WAIT! 1 more cool little thing is that if u have a 360 premium with the 20GB hd(hard-drive), u can buy the 120GB hd separately, and it comes with a cable were u can actually transfer all of your information from the 20 to the 120, quick and easy. most people probably won't need that big of a hd, unless your a hardcore gamer(like me), and love to download movies.trailers,map-packs,whatever u want. but if your just there to play games and your not into seeing the trailers,movies or whatever, i suggest u don't buy the elite or the 120GB hd, stick with the premium, because it could be a big waist if your not that much into games. --------for anyone who actually read this whole blog, thanks for reading, once i get my 360 elite i will be posting another blog,to tell u how great or bad i really is, possibly with picture, and foranyone wanting to add me don't try to add popsuperfly because i am going to cancell that account and create a new one, i don't yet have a name picked out, but when i make the profile i'll keep u all updated with it.,   anyway

thnx again for reading,



hey everyone, srry about not being here, even though i said i would. But my friend got me to make a myspace account, so i did. But then i got addicted to myspace. If u guys have a myspace account, add me, just search "sean kormilo" on the myspace search bar. and ill be there. if u dont have an account u should make one, its lots of fun, well i think it is. And your able to make your profile look like anything u want it to, personalize it so it fits who u are. so come check it out and add me. i dont know how long it will be till im back and, but u can count on me being on myspace everyday, till the day i die, lol, maybe not that much.



gone for awhile

hey guys im not going to on on for 1 week to 6 weeks because im grounded. so all off the unions that i am officers in please dont demote me becuase i can post anything. its because my parents made this stupid rule where if i have an nhi or a 0 in anysubject for an assignment i get grounded, 1 week everyone nhi or 0. and i will check all of my messages when i get back . srry,bye
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