After months of searching for a job, I finally landed one at PLATO Learning. I am a Configuration Analyst, part of the development department under SCM/SQA. I've only been there 4 days, but that's enough to see that gaming is going to be a hard thing to do now. Half of the development team in in India, so on top of 11-14 hour days, I have to take conference calls at 9 or 10PM with the Mumbai site.
Hopefully I'll be able to wiggle a bit free from Metrics and focus more on automation and scripting. My current projects are to script data-gathering from Access, and to fully automate build/continuous integration/smoke tests. Er, yeah... Automation rocks, but this would be creating 4 or more build/test environments encapsualting .NET /CVS /CruiseControl /WinRunner /Bugzilla.... I think I got 20% more grey in my hair just WRITING that sentence.
Heh, at least I can retire in 20 years if I'm thrifty :)
Also, creating a Second Life Union. GameSpot really seems to have a hard-on against Second Life, so I want to create a Union to keep the SL namespace up to date. I mean, the videos GS has are from the initial lauch and have almost NOTHING to do with SL today. Time to put my writing and FRAPSing skills to test :)
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