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PowerTReveiws Blog

Haven't Been Online In Forever

Ill be doing some new reviews soon. Im currently looking forward to FF: Dissidia mainly becuase I miss the awesome Dragon Ball Z Budakai games I played as a child and this game reminds me of it a little. So, right now im returning to my FF fanboy roots and replaying FF:7 and I might even do a review for that! So seeya!

Battlefeild Heores

A while ago, I had recieved my beta key for this game thanks to gamespot. Ive been playing the game for a while and I will writing a review soon. I'll do it pro/con style here. PRO: Love the cell-shaded graphics, like the classes, like the abilities, classes are pretty even, very supporting and respectful community,hard missions,and cool weapons. CON: buying weapons,widgets,and new clothes uses the temporary system so (eg. I baught a cool coat and it only lasts for 7 days) not cool.

Overall very fun for a free game ( I'm going to have no life for a while thanks to this game )

I Watched the Watchmen

Monday ( before it came out in theaters ) I saw the movie. I won tickets for me and a friend. It was great. I hear alot of complaints though. I hear people don't like how Dr.Manhattan ( the blue guy ) is naked alot of the movie. My opinion on that is Zack Snyder wanted the audience to have a maturity level higher than an 8th grader. The movie had the best opening sequence I've ever seen. The superhero sex was a little awkward. The music was one of the best parts of the move. From Bob Dylan's "The Times they are a-Changin'" the Jimi Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower" the music is great. No major complaints. Great movie.


Gamerpoints. Just another way to brag to your friends. Well I've reached 11005 points. Thants alot to me. Im sure people have more, alot more. Well here is some info on me and my achivements. I also included some honers and best of 2008 crap.


Game I have all achivements for: Halo 3 ( but then they adden new stupid ones )

Achivement I'm most proud of: Mile High Club ( COD4 )

Hardest acivement to get: Two for one ( Halo 3 )

Best of 2008

Favorite offline game: Fallout 3

Favorite online game: CoD4

Favorite online and off game: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Best new Character: TIE! Dad ( Fallout 3 ) and "The Jackal" ( Farcry 2 )

Best Story: Fallout 3

Flat out worst game: Call of Duty: World at War


Best Dog: Beagle

Best Movie: Slumdog Millionare

Reviewer: Power T Reviews

Best Web-Comic: VG Cats ( )

Best Album: In Rainbows ( Radiohead )

Best Commercail: "The Money you Could Be Saving with Geico"

Best new TV show: The Life and Times of Tim ( HBO )

Best TV Show: The Life and Times of Tim ( HBO )

see we review things other than game.


Th same day I posted about how lazy I am, I amazingly got a review done! Left 4 Dead. Didnt love it. Didnt hate it. Read the review. I truly trashed the game.

I need to catch up with some reviews!

Well, I am very behind on my reviews and on making a sit of my own. Well thats what being lazy does to you. The next games I will review are: Farcry 2, Mercenaries 2, Left 4 Dead, and Call of Duty: World at War. Heres a hint: Im going to give one of these games a terrible review. It is boaring and kept making my xbox freeze.

To make up for being lazy, here is a cat riding a roomba. Enjoy

Sat down, got a review done.

I stopped procrastinating and got another review done. its for Rainbow Six Vegas 2. And it is currently one of my favorite games. Its also a good review you should read it. You should read all my reviews. They're funny...


What a stupid thing to learn how to write.


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Another Review

wow im getting alot of work done. I did a review for too human. The most under appreciated game of all time in my opinion. I'm also working on getting a website to write some proper reviews on. All the reviews iv'e written have been very short so the ones on the site should be about 3 times as long. Stay posted

New Review

this new review is one ive been waiting to do for a while. Its for a unique MMORPG called Rakion. Please check out the review if you want to know more.
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