Gamerpoints. Just another way to brag to your friends. Well I've reached 11005 points. Thants alot to me. Im sure people have more, alot more. Well here is some info on me and my achivements. I also included some honers and best of 2008 crap.
Game I have all achivements for: Halo 3 ( but then they adden new stupid ones )
Achivement I'm most proud of: Mile High Club ( COD4 )
Hardest acivement to get: Two for one ( Halo 3 )
Best of 2008
Favorite offline game: Fallout 3
Favorite online game: CoD4
Favorite online and off game: Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Best new Character: TIE! Dad ( Fallout 3 ) and "The Jackal" ( Farcry 2 )
Best Story: Fallout 3
Flat out worst game: Call of Duty: World at War
Best Dog: Beagle
Best Movie: Slumdog Millionare
Reviewer: Power T Reviews
Best Web-Comic: VG Cats ( )
Best Album: In Rainbows ( Radiohead )
Best Commercail: "The Money you Could Be Saving with Geico"
Best new TV show: The Life and Times of Tim ( HBO )
Best TV Show: The Life and Times of Tim ( HBO )
see we review things other than game.