E3 has done nothing to move me, nothing to excite me, and has given me practically no hope what so ever.
Sony came along and practically crashed before even getting off the ground. $600 isn't much in terms of value, but it's still ridiculous. This Blue Ray thing is just nonsense, I seriously don't see any developer utilising all of that space. A possible extra $100 all for nothing.
I was pleased to see them return to the original Dual Shock design, but this tilt measuring nonsense is pointless. How many games do you honestly see utilising this in an effective manner?
The games were a high point, but the only one in my case. If it weren't for games like FF XIII , I wouldn't even bother with the thing
The Wii certainly didn't give me any reason to jump up and down for excitement either. Red Steel looked grand, but nothing worth writing home about. Simplistic sword fighting, and difficult movement don't seem too exciting.
The Wii never struck a cord with me, I find the controller concept pointless, and the fact that Nintendo seems to think that this is what "I" want, is hysterical. The games certainly seemed promising, so the Wii will certainly find it's way into my home
The 360's high point seemed to be focused on Halo3. Microsoft's golden fleece and the XBOX's savior. Although games like Gears of War and Lost Planet certainly caught my attention. The 360 still seems to be lacking in Japanese support, something I find crucial as my games of choice are mostly Japanese.
That isn't to say that I don't like Western games or won't plan to purchase the system, but Japanese games are certainly a big seller for me.
There's still time before this whole thing comes together in Sony and Nintendo's case. And there's still plenty of time to garner support for the system in the case of Microsoft, but the excitement is gone for me. I don't have high expectations for this generation.
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