@GermanBomber I don't think you understood the matter at hand. He says they won't give free stuff on day one because they are already having trouble keeping up with the demand, so they would shoot their own foot if they added an offer like MS. Read the article next time.
@ghost590 Wow what a load of bullshit Bethesda is. The game looked really fun and apparently Human Head thought so too, too bad it didn't have much bugs and glitches to meet Bethesda quality bar. Thanks for posting this piece.
@xSagez Thing is, you don't what the future holds. PS4 isn't DRM, EA just said DRM is a failed strategy (no shit), SimCity and Diablo III fucked it all up. In the end most companies will give what the customers want and I think the choice (read: not always on) is the way to go, many people seem to agree.
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