I've been playing Super Street Fighter 4 for a while, and Guy has loyally been my main since I've began. Now this is all well and good except I'm not sure I can handle putting in the constant effort to keep him going. I'm not giving into all the hype and saying "Oh Guy sucks" or "Oh its so hard to use him", he's relatively easy to get the hang of, and hes not by any means a bad character. However he is a type of character that you DO need to predict your opponents movements and counter them, his ultra IS dangerous to use unless you're certain it will connect, and a lot of his moves DO leave enough down time to be smacked around if blocked. a few other choices come to mind and I'm thinking about practicing with them a bit.
Ibuki was my first choice. She is another one of the new characters and she seems fast with plenty of target combos. she also seems rather challenging to use so it may be a while before she's taken online with me. as far as her look and personality goes I'm also a fan. she's fun and shes a ninja what more can you ask for?
Sakura was another choice of mine. shes a returning character and bears similarities to Ryu as she follows the whole strict shoto trend. the reason I choose her over Ryu is for a couple reason, one being Ryu is terribly overused, another is that I like the slight variations on moves she has. Her look isn't too bad, but I'm not so sure the school girl thing gives the impression that this tough guy here is going to whoop you. her personality is hilarious and is much like Ibuki in that sense.
I will likely try out many other characters in my search for a new winner, but for now I'll practice a bit with these two and hopefully I'll pick up some solid technique with them. though Guy will remain a sub and hopefully I will always retain the current skill I have with him.