PraxMusic's forum posts
I put minimal thought into checking this game out after seeing a trailer. This kinda revived the idea, I'll probably check it out tomorrow.
I put minimal thought into checking this game out after seeing a trailer. This kinda revived the idea, I'll probably check it out tomorrow.
I think I've seen you in the lobby a few times
So I've had this for a little while, long enough to know it would probably be more fun with a few friends to play it with. With that being said, if you play and care to make a friend or two that also plays drop your tag.
GT: PraxMusic
360 GAMERTAG: PraxMusic
REGION: canada
TIME ZONE: eastern
SWEARING LEVEL: 3 - I swear loosely, just out of habit.
USE HEADSET: yes - however I need a new one.
I can't see myself getting one, theres just too much stuff out there right now to want to go and spend another handful of cash on a variation of something I already have.
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