It isnt the family setting problem cause i went there and it says please select a "child" account but mine isnt a child account. Cant think of any other reasons why this would be.
Im' trying to play Midnight Club LA and I wanted to acess the "rate my ride" feature but it says "gamer profile does not support all player created content". Then it asks me to switch gamer profiles but if i hit cancel. It brings me back to the main menu. Why is this happening? This has happened to me on another game when I've tried to acess a multiplayer feature as well(cant remember exact game). The online racing and other modes work on MC:LA except for rate my ride. I have full gold membership and everything. Nothing on my profile has family settings to block xbox live features. Everything is normal except for some multiplayer features on some games. Help Please.
Thanks for the feedback so far. Ill try it a little while longer and see if this problem still occurs. Any more experiences would still be appreciated.
I just joined gamefly about 2 weeks ago. I rented Assassin's Creed as my first game. I sent it back on July 3, a Thursday, right before the Independence Day weekend. They just received my game on July 10, the next Thursday. Does it usually take this long? I live in New York City and my Gamefly games ship back to the Pittsburg center. Not that far away if you look at a map. I thought it might have something to do with the holiday weekend but does anyone else have this problem? I would think that if you live closer to the distribution center it would be faster. Another question I have is: Is there a difference in shipping time if you put it in a blue collection box as opposed to walking into a post office and handing the mail to them directly? Any answers would be greatly appreciated. I really don't want to give up on Gamefly just yet.
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