Hey guys, I've been lurking here for awhile but this board is just so entertaining its impossible not to sign up.
I guess I should get the fact that I'm a lemming out of the way first (I would probably be a hermit ifI wasnt so lazy, or knew what I was doing), but I did own a playstation 2 last gen, and nintendo 64 is my favourite console, so I guess I'm not totally biased.
Ill probably get a ps3 when the big price drops, and the big games come out. (its $1000 here in Australia. I can't believe this isn't mentioned more often. oh well, guess we are not as 1337 as Japan.) I havent touched a Nintendo product since the n64, and I havent seen any real reason why this is going to change.
Just glad I'm signing up days before I think is the biggest release of the year. I'll hype Halo 3 AAA and just hope I dont get owned this early.
So looks like I'm ready eitherfor thelemmingsgreatest hour :D, or darkest day. :cry:
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