So before Okamiden will come out next year I really want to try and get my hands on Okami finally... On Amazon, it costs 20 Euro though and I honestly don't want to spend so much. I know, it's a shame. >.< But since I'll fly to my boyfriend in America next week anyway, I'll try to see if their GameStops have it. He said he saw it before and I scolded him for not buying it... grrr. And as far as the other E3 content is concerned, I'm really glad they'll release Ivy the Kiwi not only on the Wii but also the DS... it looks like such an adorable game. :D The gameplay seemed very monotone to me at first, but even if it is I can definitely get into it. I could get into Cooking Mama and get gold medals for all dishes, so I guess my ambition helps me deal with monotony. :D Ivy the Kiwi just looks like such an artful game and you can see that the developers really loved making it. Not to mention it has two player mode, which is perfect. I'm kind of hoping for it to be released within the next 5 weeks, but that probably won't happen. And god, I can't wait for Metal Gear Solid: Rising to be released. I mean how cool is it that they changed it from "Tactical Espionage Action" and "Tactical Espionage Operation" to "Lightning Bolt Action"? And the cutting engine is just so impressive and incredibly awesome. :D
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