Maybe Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes. I think the gameplay is pretty fun, even though I usually hate strategy games and the story is partly innovative and interesting, too. Not as good as Zelda or Phoenix Wright, but still worth playing, I think.
If I can trust the person and I'm actually with them, it's alright. Never ever kids though. I don't let kids touch anything unless I can't do anything about it because their parents are next to them and I don't want to be a meanie. I still secretly disinfect or wash everything after a kid touched it. =D And my boyfriend can play it, even if I'm not there... though he has his own DS, so nyeh.
Definitely. Because pretty much all of the PSP games are made for being played on a nice, solid, huge console on a huge screen. Metal Gear Solid and Dissidia just don't work on a 10 cm display... But what can you expect. It's exactly what it promises... A portable Playstation, which is... nyeh. At least to me. :D The games are great, just not made for a handheld, but for an actual console in my opinion.
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