Prince-Jayson Blog
Headed to ATL in like a month...
by Prince-Jayson on Comments
I'm moving to where oppurtunity is, Atlanta, GA. I hope it all goes well for me and my fam there...
Chapter V: The fall of Jayson- The death of Ozai
by Prince-Jayson on Comments
This one is a little short, but the next one will be longer. But will be the final chapter of the fall of Jayson...
As Jayson stood in a muscular figure, grinning, Ozai just stood there wondering how could a being be so powerful. "How...Impossible!!!... No one could become so powerful?!..." Ozai stated, as he started to tremble. "ahahaha! I, am the most powerful fighter in this entire universe. After this, I will be the most notorious being on earth!" Jayson exclaimed. Jayson then began to step towards Ozai. Ozai slowy stepped back. "Whats the matter?! Aren't you the "Fire Lord"!" Ozai then charged up an immense amount of chi, and forced it directly toward Jayson. Now, for a regular firebender, that blast would have injured severely, or even killed. But Jayson having super ninja speed and agility, quickly evaded it, and charged at Ozai with a straight blow to the stomach, then Jayson locked his hands together, and hit Ozai in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. The blow was so powerful, blood was dripping from the mouth of Ozai. Ozai slowly arose to his feet, and wiped the blood off of his lip. "After I deal with you, I will go and take out the avatar." Evily stated Jayson.
"Who are you?!" stated Dominic. *Booooooooom!!!* A man standing at least 7ft tall, shot out a huge fireball at Dominic. "Well whoever you are, your going down. Kobbra's, stand back, he's mine." stated Dominic. Dominic then took out his dual hooked sword, and charged directly for the 3 eyed man...
"This nation could have been great, but a leader like you made it a failure. Now your end is here!" Jayson took a deep breath, and began to shoot, crazy flames at Ozai. Ozai stood his ground, even though knew he was beaten, and tried to block the flames. He brushed every single one off. "I am the fire lord, there is no one above me! Arghhhhhh!!!" Ozai charged at Jayson, and they both began in a close combat. Ozai sent fist, and kicks of flame at Jayson. Jayson blocked each of the blows, while sending maneuvers of his own, until they both knocked each other in the air. Ozai landed on a machine that control the lava level, while Jayson landed not to far. Jayson quickly arose from his fall, and leaped toward Ozai, and tried to strike him with a crippling punch to the face. But Ozai quickly rolled out of the way. Trying to hit Ozai, and missing, Jayson struck the machine, setting off an alarm, and lava began to rise. As the battle grew tenacious, ferocious, and literally fierce, the two battled till they came to a very slim edge of a cliff. "Ahahaha!!! your family will be devastated by your demise. But they never really like you anyway," Jayson said mockingly. Jayson moved forward slowly across the edge, while Ozai slowly stepped back. When they both made it across, Jayson eagerly Jumped towards Ozai with ferocious attacks. The moves were so quick, Ozai could barely block, less evade them...
Ozai was growing weaker, while Jayson grew stronger. Noticing this, Jayson struck a blow to the stomach, and then a gruesome blow to the head. Which sent Ozai straight in the air, and then landed hard. Ozai stayed on the ground for about 2 min. Then he suddenly began to move his arms. Trying to push himself up. "Get up old man, you aren't going to let me kill you this easy are you?" Ozai then managed to make it to his feet, in a groggy like manner. "He's to powerful... there's no way I can beat him... I'm going to have to gather up all the chi I've got, and hope it will end him, " thought Ozai. Ozai then took a deep breath, and gathered the remaining chi he had. Red little balls started to form a massive flame. Ozai kept gathering chi. The more he gathered, the more tired he became. Jayson then wondered what Ozai was doing. Ozai continued to gather energy. Ozai began to sweat really hard. You could see it drip from his face. The flame started to form. It formed into a shape of a giant circle. The earth beneath there feet, began to shake rapidly. "What is this..." wondered Jayson, looking very bemused. "Arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!! The giant flame attack went straight to Jayson... "OH CRAP!!!" stated Jayson, before they both were covered in a huge cloud of smoke...
Back at the throne room, Dominic was getting beat, very badly. The man took in a deep breath and let out another ball of fire from his 3rd eye. Dominic gathered enough chi to block the large blast. "How can I take this guy down? I got one shot. I hope I get it right," Dominic said to himself. When the man took in one last deep breath to end Dominic, Dominic quickly throughthe handle ofone ofhis hooked swords straight into the 3rd eye of the man. The man pulled the sword from his head, and took in yet another deep breath, like the blow didn't even affect him. Before he let out the blast, the man froze, and then fell flat on his face...
As the smoke cleared, Jayson was in the midst, with his ninja top ripped, and body bruised, managed to survive Ozai's greatest attack! "How in the...?????!!!!!" Ozai could not believe it, Jayson the legendary shaolin warrior managed to survive. "Ahahaha! Yes! Thats just shows you my true power!" evilly stated Jayson. "Now the day of reckoning is here!" Jayson then gathered up a not only an immense amount of chi and energy, but very powerful as well. The energy formed into a large Kobbra. "This is my true power!!!!" Jayson quoted. He then let the kobbra formed energy blast loose, and sent it straight toward Ozai. Ozai stood there with his eyes widened, until him and the energy collided...
Bio of the legendary Jayson...
by Prince-Jayson on Comments
Name: Jayson
Age: 17
Height: 5'8
Weight: 130pounds
Body Type: Ripped(vainy)
Nation: Fire
Bender: Fire/w Lightning
Eye Color: Golden
Fire Color: Red
Hair Color: Black/brown on the ends
Hair Style:Short
Fighting Style: Dragon style shaolin
Siblings: None
Master Of Fire Bending: No(never granted firebending master by his teacher)But a very highly skilled firebender
Master Of Shaolin: Yes
Shaolin Teacher: Master Kavar former shaolin teacher of Jayzukai
Father: Jayzukai(Former Silver Kobbra) takes pride in his son Jayson, also wants his son to capture the avatar to prove to the firelord and everyone in the firenation that Jayson is great force to be reckon with
Mother:Sakura(Former wife of Jaysuke)Left/Divorced with Jaysuke. Jayson has never seen he face since he was 4. OldFriendof the fire lady Ursa.
Cousin: Jayden, Tea maker. Speacializes in sweet tea.
Grandfather: Jaysuke(Deceased) Led the fire navy to victory in the great war(with help from the blade)
Intrest: Money, fighting, bending, likes showing off, and running his antique shop business in spare time.
Personality: Arrogant, Sometimes can be selfish, A Jerk, stuck up, Dislikes being second best, and Always acts cool in front of the ladies
Fear: Unknown(claims he has no fear of any man or thing)
Favorite Food: Sushi, also loves Jayden's sweet tea
Occupation: Agni kai tournament co-owner, spends most of his time in his antique shop
Allies:Jayden(Cousin)Dominic, and shaolin teachers of the temple
Training status: Trains every day(No specific time)
Chapter IV: The fall of Jayson- The road to total domination...
by Prince-Jayson on Comments
WARNING: Viewer descretion advised. The following story involves mature content. Don't read if you are easily freaked out about blood and gore...
But before Tsuyoshi ended Jayden, he came to a sudden pause. "You fool, what are you doing end him!" Suddenly, Tsuyoshi pulled out a ninja star from the back of his neck. Which not knowingly hit Tsuyoshi's circulation point. The fire lord could not believe what he had seen. Then seconds later, the might giant fell flat on his face. Out of the shadows came Justin. He ran over to Jayden covering him, while striking the ground with a smoke bomb. Ozai got up, and firebended towards the fog. But, as the smoke cleared, the two had vanished. "AHHHHH!!!!" Ozai let out a great amount of anger and frustration, as soldiers began bursting into the room.
"Jayden, c'mon, we need to get back to the academy. Are attack is about to begin..." The two hurried back to the ninja academy. When they arrived, Jayson was there, ready to greet them. "So, you have returned, excellent. This young kid has decided to join us. His name is Dominic. A few of my ninja's spotted him walking home. They watched him closely, and found out he had a hate for Ozai. They then confronted him, and offered him an offer he couldn't refuse." "Welcome aboard, Dominic." stated Jayden. "It's an honor joining your team, master Jayson. My mixed skills of twin hooked swords, and firebender expertise, will prove useful to you," says Dominic proudly. "We will definitely see," responded Jayson.
"The time for peace, freedom, justice, and security is now! I have planned this day for years, and the time is finally here! You can see the sky turning red! You can feel the comet's power from miles away! And when the time is right, we will embrace it! For so long the firenation has crippled our people, and the time for correction is here!" Jayson shouted out to the clan with fiery ambition in his eyes. The entire clan was dressed in black ninja suits, ready for their next command. "Jayden, you have proven yourself once, it's time for you to prove yourself once again. I want you to take about 100 ninja warriors to take out the nations defenses by day, and secure the fire nation," ordered Jayson. "I need 100 of you to step forward, the rest of you step back," commanded Jayden, as the ninja's followed their orders.
Jayden then gathered the men, and took off to the heart of the nation.
"Alright, Justin I want you to follow along with them, and make sure no one tries to interfere." "Understood, master." So Justin hurried to join with Jayden. "And Dominic, I want you to Join with me on our journey to the palace. Along with the rest of the ninja warriors." "Understood." respectfully stated Dominic. As the clan stepped closer to the defenses of the firenation with Jayden as their leader, Jayden then ordered them to pause for a moment. "Commander, what are we waiting for," wondered one of the ninja's. "You there, I want you to sneak up on the gate guard up on that tower, and let down the gate," commanded Jayden. "Yes, sir." So the ninja went into stealth mode, and slowy moved toward the ramp. Jayden and the clan quietly watched. As the stealthed ninja snuck up on the guard guarding the tower, the ninja noticed there was an alarm button right next to him. So he got kind of nervous. He moved real slow, until finally "Whack!!" the ninja had assasinated the guard right in the back of the head. But then, as soon as the gate was let down the alarm went off, as the clan charged into battle.
"Lord Jayson, might I ask why we are waiting here?" Jayson responded, "Patience, Dominic. We will attack when the time is right." Back at the battlefield, the clan was literally demolishing the soldiers of the nation. It was truly a bloody massacre. Necks were getting broken, soldiers were getting impaled, while Jayden walked slowly through the horror. "Show no mercy!" shouted Jayden. The clan was so well trained, they didn't even have to firebend to take out there firebending foes. Tanks were being brought out left and right, but had little effect on the clan. Most of the large machines were brought down by easily destroying there core, which was is the back. The soldiers could not believe it. Even having a majority of soldiers, weren't enough for the handful of superior expert ninja's.
Back at the academy, the sun was setting, and the sky started to turn a dark orange. "Yes, The comets power is strong, our transformation is almost complete!" Dominic stood there wondering what Jayson meant by transformation... While the clan was defeating the gate soldiers, the soldiers then noticed a fiery object hurling towards the netherealm. "It's here, Sozin's comet is finally here!" yelled one of the commanding soldiers. The soldiers then thought that they would now end the clan for good. But, little did they know that the comet not only made them stronger, but it literally transformed the clan into powerhouse super ninja's!
"Yes! It's time!" evily chuckled Jayson. "Lets head out to the firenation." ordered Jayson. So the rest of the clan followed. "Well, well, well, what a coincidence finding you here daughter of Ozai," stated Justin. "If you think my father is going to let you take his throne that easy, your sadly wrong," Azula said while grinning. "I'm afraid he has no choice hot stuff. Once Lord Jayson arrives, Ozai will be easily defeated." "Well now, I guess we'll have to wait and see..." Jayson and the rest of the clan marched their way to the palace. With Dominic following closely. As Jayson and the clan burst through the heavy doors, soldiers came out from different directions. Jayson easily fried the group of soldiers in a fiery inferno, as they screamed for mercy... Dominic didn't know what he was feeling, but it felt good. He felt powerful. When Jayson burned down the curtains to the throne room, there was no one there. Isolated. "I know exactly were that coward Ozai is. Dominic, Stay here with the clan, and kill anyone who approaches..." stated Jayson. "As you wish Lord Jayson. " So Dominic stayed with the clan, as Jayson left the throne room, headed straight to the netherealm.
While approaching the fiery grave site, the wind began to blow. Darkness fell, yet there was still that sense of light. Suddenly, Jayson spotted the comet headed towards the earth. It was large, and it's power was so great the firenation could feel it miles and miles away. Jayson then looked towards a cliff. There stood Ozai waiting menacingly, shirtless, and ready to soak up the comets energy. "Booooommm!!!" The comet had crashed into the core of the netherealm. "Your to late, you were a fool to come. On on the day of Sozin's comet," said Ozai. "Thats where your wrong, your about to witness power that is so immense, can easily enslave this nation." Jayson's kobbra on his forehead then started to glow a bright red. As well as the kobbra on the sword. Jayson then let out a huge breath of fire, far greater that has been produced by any firebender! Even Ozai himself. Ozai started to step back slowly, as Jayson smirked, as he stood waiting to see what the response of Ozai would be... The comets power was so great, the ninja's back at the gate, were finally given the mark of the kobbra on their right hand, and slowly turned into super ninja's. There figure began to form into a shadowy like figure, as there eyes glowed a bright yellow. And they finally emerged as super ninja's...
I'm back, and with the next chapter of The fall of Jayson
by Prince-Jayson on Comments
Ya'll prolly have forgotten about me... :( Anyway, here chapter 3. Enjoi...
Oh yeah, by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2008 YA'LL!
"Master, I have carried out my mission," said Justin. "Excellent." "fire lord Ozai did not step down when I warned him." "I figured he wouldn't, no matter, his defiance will be his nations downfall. You may go now." The next day, Jayson had another notion on how his plan to take over the nation would succeed. So he went straight to his cousin Jayden's tea shop, Li-Hi's. When he got inside, he noticed Jayden was serving tea. "Hey, Jayson. Want a cup of sweet tea," asked Jayden. "No, thanks. I have a question I need to ask you." "Sure, Jayson. Go ahead." "Jayson looked around ominously and whispered, "You mind me talking to you outside?" "Uhhh... Sure man, I'm on my lunch break anyway." So the two went into the back of the tea shop. "I need you to help me carry out a mission," said Jayson, in a low tone voice. "Uhhhh... What type of mission?" "I need you to help me take over the fire nation." Jayden's eyes then widened with astonishment, and exclaimed, "Jayson, are you feeling ok? You need me to help you take down Ozai?!" "Exactly." "......Well.......... I really don't support Ozai, and it would be pretty cool having you as the nation leader... So... Yeah, yeah I'll help you. To tell you the truth, it was getting boring serving tea everyday." "Excellent, now follow me." So Jayden followed Jayson. When they reached a large building, Jayden suddenly exclaimed, "Wait, this place is yours?!" "Yeah, this is my ninja academy I formed to attack the fire nation." "Amazing," said Jayden, while barely keeping his mouth closed. "Everyone, this is your new commander, Jayden. I have just recruited. He will be leading the third, and last, preparation before the comet hits." Jayden then looked at Jayson with a perplexed facial expression. "Jayden will also be carrying out my next preparation to increase are chances of winning this fight." Jayden's face became even more perplexed after that statement. After Jayson's speech, Jayden stopped to ask Jayson a question. "Uhh...... Jayson, are you serious? Am I really gonna command the ninja's on your third preparation on the nations attack?" "Precisely. You are an excellent fire bender, and a great communicator for the task. I know you'll carry it out successfully." "Wow, Jayson. No ones ever said that to me before. I will do whatever you want me to do." "Great, now I want you to take out the fire lords two best benders, Mamoru, guardian of the temple of Sozin. And Ozai's apprentice, Tsuyoshi. I have more work to do, you will start tomorrow." "Sighs... Sure, Jayson. Sure..." Jayden was very reluctant on doing what Jayson told him, but he managed to shake it off and prepare for tomorrow. That very next day, Jayden headed straight for the academy. "Ahhh... Jayden, your here. Here is some equipment you will need for your trip. Choose whichever you like," said Jayson, as he walked back to the main academy room. "Sighs... Jayson has asked me to complete this task, sighs... so I can't let him down." Jayden then began to suit up, and head out. "Ok, there are to benders. Mamoru, guardian of the temple of Sozin, and Tsuyoshi, the fire lord's apprentice... sighs... I got a lot ahead of me." Meanwhile, back at the academy, Jayson was lecturing the clan. "I have just sent Jayden to take out the fire lord's best warriors. After his return, I will be preparing for the last wave on the fire nation before the official march. I will be sending a portion of you to go and take out all of Ozai's defenses, so we will have the advantage over the nation."
"Well, here we are, the temple of Ozai. Guess I should knock." stated Jayden. Jayden then slowly stepped back a bit, and ran towards the main door. "Crash!" Jayden had bursted through the door with a vicious kick, only to have an isolated room filled with lit candles, and a statue of Sozin. "??..... No one here?! Impossible. Where could he have gone?" Then Jayden spotted a set of stairs. So he hurried up the stairs, only to be cut off buy a golden door. "Hey, since I broke down the front door, I might as well do the same for this door." So Jayden stepped back, and trotted towards the door. The doors suddenly came crashing down, as Jayden suddenly noticed that the guardian of the temple was there. There he was, sitting and meditating in the middle of the floor. The room was shaped like a large circle, and looked like a place for combat. "Who are you to barge into my chambers this way," asked Mamoru, as he continued to meditate in the center of the floor. "I am Jayden." stated Jayden, proudly. "Ahhh... Jayden, I am Mamoru, protector of this temple. Might I ask what you are doing here?" Jayden then boldly stated, "I'm here to take you down." "Oh really?" Then, suddenly a steel door shut. The same one Jayden had busted through before. "How do you propose to do that?" "Like this!" * Foooom!* Jayden lunged out a wave of fire right at Mamoru. But Mamoru easily whipped it to the side. "So your leader has a plot to take over the nation?" "How did you know that?!" wondered Jayden. "Lord Ozai told me. He also said your leaders clan will be attacking the heart of the nation."
"True, but did he tell you that I would be annihilating you, Ahhhhh!" The two fought off each other for a while until Jayden grew very tired, and began to bend more sloppy. "Whats the matter? Aren't you suppose to be annihilating me," said Mamoru, with an arrogant grin on his face. "Ahhhhhh!!!!" Jayden then whipped out fire daggers and tried to impale Mamoru, but failed as Mamoru easily dodged every single strike, whether it was to the head or the chest. "You are growing weak, I can sense it, I am about to show you my true power!" exclaimed Mamoru. "You are a great opponent, Mamoru. But your skill is not as advanced as mine." Jayden then struck Mamoru in the head. Mamoru nearly tripped and fell, but managed to catch his balance. "I guess It's time for me to show you my true skill."
stated mamoru. Mamoru's hands then became lit with green fire. Jayden noticed, and began to back away slowly. "Whats the matter, afraid of fire?" Mamoru suddenly started to throw balls of fire at Jayden. Jayden quickly leaped, and rolled away, as he continued to watch Mamoru's every move. Mamoru then did the unexpected. He whipped out a single bladed katana. "This is true power!" shouted Mamoru. He then began slinging the sword in the exact direct Jayden was. Hurling arcs of green fire directly towards Jayden. Jayden barely managed to evade the fiery strikes. "Hahahaha!" Mamoru evily laughed, as he continued the assault. "C'mon, strike me down!" yelled Mamoru.
"I must figure out a way to come at him." Jayden said to himself. "He seems to be using a unique Japanese form, Kenjutsu. Which uses a Japanese sword. The best way to take him out would be to evade his flame arcs, and approach with caution. Then use his own weapon against him." So Jayden took action, and avoided each strike. Mamoru noticed, and started to lash out more arcs of fire more manically. Jayden continued to avoid every single one. When Jayden reach Mamoru, he quickly grabbed his blade, and kicked him in the face. But Mamoru did not let go. Mamoru and Jayden both struggled trying pry the blade from each others hand. "I've never faced anyone this great as you Mamoru, but your time has come to an end." Jayden then knocked Mamoru in the head with the handle of the sword, making Mamoru loose grip of the handle, making it easy for Jayden to pull it away, and finally end him with a impaler to the stomach. "S...... o...... your leader thinks he has what it takes to rule this powerful nation? Well...... when Sozin's comet finally arrives... hahaha.... him, and his entire army will fall." Which were the dying words of Mamoru, as he fell to his knees, and collapsed to the floor. "Sighs... it's done. One down, one to go." Jayden then left the temple. But before doing so, he took one last look at Mamoru. He then noticed red lightning shoot from the sky, and with a cloud of smoke, Mamoru's remains were gone... As day turned to night, Jayson was back at the academy training. As he was training Justin came in. "Master, when Jayden returns should I go ahead and rally the amount of ninja's we will need for the nation's defense attack?" "Hmmmm... Yeah, it would be a good idea to do that." "Now leave me, I have plenty of work to do." "Of course, master."
"This is it. The final destination. Ozai's palace. I wonder how I get in?" Thought Jayden. "I think I should just look for someone coming out of a side door, and take him out so I can get in undetected. Man, it's easy being a ninja." So Jayden crept around the corner of the palace to see if anyone would come out. But unfortunately, no one would come. "I know, I'll knock, and maybe someone will come out. Easy." So Jayden knocked. He could here someone actually coming. "Who's there?" asked a man. "Delivery." exclaimed Jayden The man then opened the door, only to have Jayden awaiting to strike him from above. The man easily fell to the ground unconscious. "Idiot." chuckled Jayden. Jayden then walked inside. Turns out the pathway to the thrown room was clear. In fact it was straight ahead. "Too easy." thought Jayden. But little did he know that the only reason there was low security, was because Tsuyoshi, was the only security. Jayden hurried down the hall and bursted to the curtain,, having Tsuyoshi standing next to Ozai. "Ahhhh.... Who might you be?" "I am Jayden." "Jayden, let me guess, your here to take out Tsuyoshi right?" "Yes, I am." "Well, good luck trying. Kill him Tsuyoshi." ordered Ozai. "With pleasure." responded Tsuyoshi. Tsuyoshi had to be at least 7ft tall, and had a huge muscular figure. Jayden wasn't so sure how to take down this giant monster. So Jayden tried charging head on at him with a fist of fire, but Tsuyoshi stepped to the side. Jayden the tried to kick Tsuyoshi in the stomach. But, the strength of Tsuyoshi's body was too strong. Tsuyoshi barely felt a thing. "Thats just a taste of the true strength of Tsuyoshi." said Ozai. Jayden tried coming at him once again with a high kick to the face. But Tsuyoshi grabbed the foot of Jayden and threw him to the side. Jayden hit the ground so hard, that he struggled to his feet. But Jayden was tough, he wasn't out of fuel yet. The fight lasted for about 10minutes. Already Jayden was beginning to get tired. "Whats the matter? Out of breath?" chuckled Ozai. Jayden then lunged fire balls directly at Tsuyoshi. Tsuyoshi swatted away each one. Jayden then tried to gather up enough chi for a Flame blast. But Jayden was so tired, and weak, that he didn't gather all the energy he needed to strike him down. So he lunged out a huge sloppy flame at Tsuyoshi. Tsuyoshi grinned, and stopped the flame attack in it's tracks, and redirected it back at Jayden. Jayden's eyes widened with fear, as the flame came hurling towards him. Jayden tried to block it but the force was so strong that it knocked him to the ground. The impact was so immense, that Jayden tried to rise up, but then fell flat on his back. Tsuyoshi walked towards Jayden and stated, " Any last words," as Tsuyoshi was about to end Jayden with the final blow....
Chapter II: The fall of Jayson
by Prince-Jayson on Comments
*sighs* This one took some work. It's hard for an author:( I hope you guys enjoi.
The next place Jayson found himself was at the shaolin temple Kurai-kaji, meaning dark fire......
Jayson had come here because of the dark energy that fueled his ambition. Jayson sat and meditated, while soaking up the energy from the dark temple. As Jayson sat and meditated, the energy not only fueled his ambition, but also began to make him stronger. Jayson meditated for about 30 min, then decided he would leave. Jayson then headed to the shaolin facility and summoned Justin once again. When Justin arrived, he then kneeled, and respectfully said, "Yes,
master?" "You have done well Justin, your skills are superior to any of my other students. So I now grant you as my new apprentice...." Justin then arose, and pleasantly stated, "Thank you master." "Now I want you to go and warn the fire lord, that the clan and I will be coming soon and will restore order to the country, and if he doesn't resist, which I'm sure he won't. He and the FireNation will fall........" "Yes, master, I will not fail you." So, Justin headed straight for the FN palace. Meanwhile, Jayson continued to train with the clan so that they will be at the top of their game when the comet finally arrives. "I have just sent Justin to the FN palace to warn the fire lord of our arrival. If the fire lord should not resist, we will take the nation by force!!!"
As Justin got closer towards the palace, day became night fall. Justin had a black ninja suit with a sword on his back. Suddenly, Justin came to two guards, guarding the place. They were chatting and weren't very alert. "A bunch of idiots, this should be easy...." Whispered Justin. Justin then noticed a guard walk away from the other, heading straight toward Justin. Justin hid behind the wall, and waited for the guard to get closer so he could strike. Justin then heard the footsteps of the guard get closer, and then.......*snap......* Justin had quietly broke the neck of the guard, and watched him fall to the ground. He then set his eyes on the final guard. Justin then climbed up onto the rooftops and menacingly watched the guard from above. Justin quietly took out his katana, and waited for the right moment to strike. Finally, Justin hopped down behind the guard. The guard turned around to have Justin stab him in the stomach, as Justin watched him fall to the ground as well. Justin then wiped off the blood, put the sword back in the sheet on his back, and continued his mission. As Jayson continued to train his clan, so that he could finally rank them ninja master's. "I can feel it, the comet is near. I've felt it in my soul. I can feel it's power growing near!!!!" Jayson was an eloquent speaker, and loved to lead his clan. "I want you to eat, sleep, and train, every day until the comet arrives. You will be faster than the enemy, stronger than the enemy, and more petrifying than the enemy!" Jayson knew what it took for him and his clan to come out victorious........
Later that night, Justin became very close to the palace. In fact, the palace was just ahead. Towering over the horizon. Justin began to pick up the pace, but being very cautious on the way. The wind began to blow, it was like an old ghost town. No one was around. Nobody guarding the palace, no one on guard anywhere in sight. "These guys have no sense of security whatsoever.Our attack will be a piece of fire cake." So Justin went directly for the palace door. But wait, Justin thought to himself, "If I go directly through the door, they'll be guards waiting inside to detain me. So, I'm going to find another way in so I won't sound the alarm." So Justin searched for another way to enter the palace inconspicuously. He then found a way he could get in, through a windows above. So Justin used his special ninja shoes to climb the wall to get to the window. The window was pretty high. As Justin continued to climb, he tripped up and nearly fell. "Whoa, that was close" When Justin finally reached the top, he climbed into the window.
"Where am I?" Justin wondered, as he looked around the room trying to figure out what his next move would be. "It looks like I'm in a meditation room or something. I wonder where the thrown is?" Justin left the room and continued to look for the thrown room. Suddenly, Justin heard a noise. Footsteps, coming up the stairs towards him. Justin hurried back into the meditation room to hide. Then the man suddenly spoke, "I'll have that sent to the fire lord soon." Justin overheard and thought he must be speaking with someone downstairs. Justin then heard the footsteps coming towards the meditation room. Justin then knew he would have to make a quick decision on what to do with the man. As soon as the man stepped in......... *zhing*
Justin whipped out his blade, and placed it near the man's neck. "Where, is the fire lord? If you don't cooperate, I won't hesitate to end your pathetic life." "Ok........ ok........ the firelord is downstairs to the right, then keep straight. Large doors you can't miss it." "Thank you my good man. Let me just brush your shoulders off there. Yeah, their ya go. Just in case you get any ideas........." Justin then pulled out some rope and tape. Then tied the man up. Justin continued on his way downstairs without any further interferences. Justin still continued to be cautious though. Justin continued to tip-toe quietly down the hall. When he reached the end of the hall, the only route he could take was a right, so he quietly peeked around the corner, not knowing what awaited him. Justin then noticed two guards ahead, guarding the entrance to the fire lord. Justin then wondered how he would take them out. He had no other options, so he decided he would make a noise to lead them to him, and take them out that way. Justin then let out a burst of fire. The noise carried, and the guards heard it. They both walked down the hall. Justin then quietly, climbed onto the ceiling. Awaiting the guards arrival. "Didn't that sound come from hear?" "Yeah, I thought I heard something too." the other guard responded. Justin was right above the guard's heads, and they didn't even know it........ Justin then dropped down behind one of the guards and......... fooooooom!.......... Justin let out a vicious palm fire strike to the back of the guard, paralyzing him. The final guard quickly turned around to see what happened. The guard noticed Justin, and tried to stike him in the face using her bending. But, Justin barely, tilted his head out of the way, and struck the women in the head, paralyzing her as well. "You guys have a lot to work on." "Go fall in a pit." The women responded sarcastically. Justin, finally had got everyone out of his way, all that remained was him and the fire lord........ Justin walked down the hall to the entrance. When Justin got to the curtain he stopped for a moment, and gazed at the top of the entrance. Then brushed the curtain to the side, and gazed upon that of which was the fire lord. Surrounded with flames, sitting on the thrown with a dark shadow filling his figure. He also noticed the daughter of the fire lord. "Who are you to burst into my chambers that way?" wondered the fire lord. "I am Justin, I have an urgent warning for you my lord." "Ahahahahaaaa! What could be so urgent," the fire lord chuckled. "Lord Jayson, has sent me to warn you about his arrival. On the day the comet hits." "Hahaha! You think you can barge in here and try to petrify me?" "He wants you to give up your position, and he will spare your life." "Oh really? So this, Jayson, wants me to give up my position as lord of this nation?" "Exactly." "I don't think so!" Suddenly, guards stormed in and stood behind Justin. "Kill him" stated the fire lord. Then the soldiers attacked Justin with an immense amount of fire, headed straight for Justin. Justin then smirked, vanished in a gust of black smoke. "Where did he go?" Wondered the fire lord. Suddenly......... "Ahhhhhh!!" Justin appeared behind the soldiers paralyzed a few, with punches to the back of the head and/or back. The other soldiers quickly turned around and attacked. Firebending at justin, trying to strike him down. But, Justin just kept flipping out of the way. "Wait! Wait! Stop attacking. He's to quick. Just let him leave." Justin then started to step backwards out of the thrown room, while staring at Azula. He then gave her a wink, but she withdrew, as he walked out of the thrown room. "Follow him." ordered the fire lord. The soldiers quickly moved. But when they swatted the curtain away, Justin had already vanished............... The fire lord began to ponder on what Justin had told him, and just who was this Jayson............. Only time will tell....
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