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PrincePwnStar Blog

Long time no blog post

I figured I would write a blog because it has been forever since I did so here it is. I been pretty busy with a lot of things, took holiday came back to a trashed apartment and a few less friends, gave up alcohol for Lent, and other miscellaneous stuff that has been keeping me busy. To what really matters, I have a pretty short list of games I want that are coming up soon. The following games are:

Final Fantasy XIII - People are already posting reviews about this game some are great and some are sort of negative. To each their own I guess but I been waiting for this game for awhile and I think it will be fun none the less. A lot of people are complaining that there is no towns or hubs. Which I think is fine, it keeps you moving you can spend some time in the character attributes screen adjusting your team and I feel like it is good so you are not running back and forth town to play area to town to play area keeps you in the action. I am looking forward to this and might even buy the collectors edition strategy guide just because.

Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition - Well I was going to buy the game anyways after I traded my Xbox 360 in for the PS3 I wanted to repurchasethe game. I already have the collectors strategy guide for it, but no more game. I love this game, it is fun and has tons of unlocks you can get with replay value. I don't have much to say about it because it has been out for awhile and I am sure everyone already has their own opinions on it. But I can't wait to play some of the bonus content!

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - This game is fun from what I played on the demo and beta, I am sure the rest of it is just as fun being that the first one didn't disappoint. I am addicted to MAG though so I am not sure which one will keep my attention. I really want to buy this game though and play it online. But I hate to divide my attention in between the two, might just pick it up and see which one can keep me glued the most.

Dragon Age Origins: Awakening - I couldn't put down the game, I even went to start different classes after I beat it the first time. I am so happy that they are coming out with more content, more of everything. If you think this is just a DLC pack then you should check out the new stuff that is coming out with it, it is a legit expansion! Can't wait day one buy.

I think these 4 games will do me good, being that I have not even started Assassin Creed 2 yet. I plan on playing all these games though. I started MGS4 and it just can not keep my attention I got to Act 2 and I just got bored with it, so I might be getting rid of it because I don't plan on going back to it. I have a few weeks though so i think I can probably get Assassins Creed 2 done before the new games come out. I don't think I will get God of War 3, well if I do not right away. I just don't have any excitement for it. I played the demo it was fun but I am not actually looking forward to getting it.

Batman, InFamous, Flashpoint, and heart ache...

So I played Batman: AA in probably 4 sittings. I had fun with the game, and wish there was more! I do the challenge modes, but I want a expansion or Batman 2 by the same developers. It I think the first 3 sittings I was going a little slow, I got up to 31% in three sittings, on my 4th sitting I had nothing to do for the day/night and I played all the way through it on Normal. I guess since I crave more of this game I will have to play on Hard and try and find all the Riddles...because challenge mode is not filling my hunger.

Side note, I only have one shard left in is like trying to find gold in your butt. Seriously! Where the hell are you shard! I shouldn't care it is only for a trophy, but I only have one left so might as well. I think I might go back and play the InFamous game on evil. I was getting tired of running around doing all the side quests when I went good so I think I will just do the main quests and do all the evil parts first. Just to unlock the trophies and see the alternate ending.

Also Demon's Souls only one week away!!!!! Woo! I am buying that game. I can't wait it looks amazing. I might also pick up Flashpoint depending what people are saying, I hear it is legit and it requires thinking and not rushing. Which I can get into. I used to pretend I was real soldier out in the field doing tatics back in ghost recon for the original xbox. Especially in clan matches! So a tatical slow moving military game like this sounds up my ally.

I have had a lot more time to play games since the gf and I broke up. Games help get my mind off of her, it just really hurts and is frustrating at the same time. Especially since she said, "It is nothing you did, I still love you, I still want to be friends. I just don't want to be tied down this year with all the events I have coming up." Grr So I over think and think and think...and it makes it worst cus I just want to keep talking to her about it....but when I get on these games I focus on them and it stops hurting for that moment..and I am able to give her the space she needs.

on that note....I'll prob have all my games beat by the end of the week..haha..ha.... :,( I still have Killzone 2 and MGS4 so hopefully they will pull my attention away. I have Dirt 2 also, so I will try my best to unlock all that. Well send me friend invites on PSN: EnjoiLifeSkate maybe we can do some Dirt 2.

Rainy days = broke pocket book

Alright, well I seriously am a sucker for deals. In the local college paper they had a coupon at a place called Hastings where if you buy 2 games at $29.99 or less you get a third one free. Today is a rainy day, so I have this coupon sitting infront of me. I know I can easily get Uncharted and Dead Space.....but then here I am wanting to spend money at Best Buy for the Bourne Trilogy on Blue Ray for 70 bucks. Along with Braveheart, Gladiator deal for $40.00 bucks, and I want the new Snow Leapord which is $25.00. Or I could sit at home purchase Resident Evil, Final Fantasy 7, and Metal Gear on the PSN which all would cost about $30.00 and just chillax with those. Oh rainy days. They make me want to spend money on expensive toys, if i was nice out I would be out doing other things.... wait until winter. Ugh.

Don't hate me...

Well, I did a lot of thinking. I have some friends who are a little disappointed in me. With the new price drop in the PS3, I gave in. I never been a fan boy for any consoles. I just buy the system that seems more fun at the time. The part that some people may be dissapointed in me is because of my current financial situation I traded my Xbox 360 in for my PS3.

Yes, I know online play is better on xbox, and what about the game library, or the graphics. I hear it all the time from my friends. It has seem to me that the only exclusives that I played on my Xbox that I enjoyed has been Gears 1 and 2. I did not much care for Halo. I am hardly ever online LIVE because I just don't have as much time to dedicate to LIVE. So why pay for it. I do miss my Netflix streaming, and with me being a Mac user I really have no make shift way of streaming it on my PS3. But it is still just nice to pick up my online every once of awhile and know that I am really not investing into it.

I also have been happy with my decision so far. I played and beaten Resistance 2 already. I am in the middle of Metal Gear Solid 4, and I am thinking of picking back up Dead Space because I never really finished it on my XBOX and it supports 1080p. With the trade in I was also able to afford some Blue Rays. So I now have a little collection started on Blue Ray. I think it was a good decision. There is some games to look forward to like MAG and uncharted two, and heavy rain. I also will try and get back my Skate 2 and Resident Evil 5, and instead of getting back CoD4, I ill just wait for Modern Warfare 2

So my XBOX friends don't hate me. I just did what made more sense to me for my own needs. If you have a PS3 you can still reach me on the PSN at EnjoiLifeSkate