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Batman, InFamous, Flashpoint, and heart ache...

So I played Batman: AA in probably 4 sittings. I had fun with the game, and wish there was more! I do the challenge modes, but I want a expansion or Batman 2 by the same developers. It I think the first 3 sittings I was going a little slow, I got up to 31% in three sittings, on my 4th sitting I had nothing to do for the day/night and I played all the way through it on Normal. I guess since I crave more of this game I will have to play on Hard and try and find all the Riddles...because challenge mode is not filling my hunger.

Side note, I only have one shard left in is like trying to find gold in your butt. Seriously! Where the hell are you shard! I shouldn't care it is only for a trophy, but I only have one left so might as well. I think I might go back and play the InFamous game on evil. I was getting tired of running around doing all the side quests when I went good so I think I will just do the main quests and do all the evil parts first. Just to unlock the trophies and see the alternate ending.

Also Demon's Souls only one week away!!!!! Woo! I am buying that game. I can't wait it looks amazing. I might also pick up Flashpoint depending what people are saying, I hear it is legit and it requires thinking and not rushing. Which I can get into. I used to pretend I was real soldier out in the field doing tatics back in ghost recon for the original xbox. Especially in clan matches! So a tatical slow moving military game like this sounds up my ally.

I have had a lot more time to play games since the gf and I broke up. Games help get my mind off of her, it just really hurts and is frustrating at the same time. Especially since she said, "It is nothing you did, I still love you, I still want to be friends. I just don't want to be tied down this year with all the events I have coming up." Grr So I over think and think and think...and it makes it worst cus I just want to keep talking to her about it....but when I get on these games I focus on them and it stops hurting for that moment..and I am able to give her the space she needs.

on that note....I'll prob have all my games beat by the end of the week..haha..ha.... :,( I still have Killzone 2 and MGS4 so hopefully they will pull my attention away. I have Dirt 2 also, so I will try my best to unlock all that. Well send me friend invites on PSN: EnjoiLifeSkate maybe we can do some Dirt 2.