After recently delving back in to the world of final fantasy I was shocked at the amount of anti religious symbolisim I came across. Not being religious myself I had no problem with it. In fact I enjoy looking at things in new ways i encourage other people to do the same so I found it pretty interesting.
Im going to talk about final fantasy X in particular here, I may talk about other final fantasy instalments in later blogs who knows. Okay so to cut a long story short the inhabitants of Spira revere a deity named yevon. Throughout the game this is VERY heavily seen. there are temples, priests, and practices everywhere you go. Anyone who does not comply with the mainstream beliefs is deemed a blasphemer, ring any bells?
I think it's pretty fair to say this reflects out own mass belief system of religion in the real world. Now as you progress deeper into the game you find that in fact the whole religion is corrupt, with the deity of yevon being the very embodiment of SIN (yes very subtle). Shock horror. The game then has you slaying corrupt priests and using forbidden machina going completely against everything you were taught through three quarters of the game.
Suffice to say I thoroughly enjoyed my play through of ffx probably as I am older and can see subtle symbolisim nowadays. Definitley gave me food for thought. Should we believe everything we are told to believe? I think not. I'm not saying relgion is wrong just that I don't think we should take everything at face value just because we are told that it is right!
Deep one there. Peace.