Hey, Crush 40, you rock! :D Got my title from 'Live Life' by Crush 40 of course.
And a hello to my fellow friends, it sure has been long since I've blogged which I apologise for my sudden abscence as I had many exams to do and I was quite literally really busy, I used to come back everyday from school at 7pm and I'd come back absolutely shattered. I still have a lot of art work to do but I'm glad I've got my ICT and maths out of the way. I still have a lot more exams coming up but I thought of coming on gamespot now, doing a blog and try to comment some blogs I've missed but I can't promise to comment on all of the past ones, remember who I am? Yeah, the lazy one :P
Right, so what's new? Ah yes, I got a haircut :) if you've seen my pictures, obviously you'd notice my hair was long, well not any more. It's all gone! Well not all exactly of course but it's like hella short now, I've been told that it looks really cute and got plenty of compliments for it. I might post a new piccy up, maybeee though tehe.
I haven't been playing much too for obvious reason but I have been still playing Final Fantasy:Crystal Chronicles-Echoes of Time. Now that I've played more of it, it's actually just a good game, not amazing, not great, just good. My auntie took like 6 or 7 of my DS games to borrow for her new DSi, which I will get into in a bit and my friend still has my DS games so I don't even have much DS games to play atm :P Oh wells :D
So the DSi, yeah I've tried it out and I guess it's pretty decent but pointless of making another upgrade of the DS, I mean like c'mon, why the heck make a new DS by just adding a camera that can do dodgy stuff and a music player and all that crappy stuff? Nintendo's target audience atm really seem to be aiming for the casual gamers. Well screw you Nintendo, we don't need you! (Please don't go) But stop making pathetic upgrades and make friggen' decent games! Sheesh. I guess it's pretty obvious that I'm not getting a DSi, don't need one but if you don't have a DS, guess you could always go for the DSi.
Seeing as I was talking about games there, I've played Resident Evil 5 lately at a friends house and must I say, I rather enjoyed it, heck I thought it was bloody awesome. I am a scaredy cat k? So it still kind of scared me but that's just me, I know but hey, I loved it :D Other than that, I watched Coraline a few days ago and DAYEM, that movie blew me away with it's extreme awesomeness! Yes, it was so damn creepy, I do not recommend for kids to watch it but man, it was wicked.
I'm going to end my blog here now, it seems that I've kinda extended it on this one :P Sorry tehe.
Well, laterz! :)