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Now I understand why those college-oriented movies exist.

I'd never thought I'd say it but next year I'm going to college and I don't even know what to feel about it. I'm excited to finally go and "see the world" but geez!!! Getting into college is so stressful!!:o

I don't even know who to blame for my stress: the colleges, for making such a big deal on papers, recommendations, those blasted SATs' and those palm-humectant essays, or high school that STILL gives you a helluva a lot of work knowing you are just months away from graduating. Consideration, anyone?

I can barely pick my PSP and sit down to relax because of all the work I got stacked up.

I'm doing the best I can to have everything before Christmas so I can enjoy my hard-earned vacation. *sighs* I feel a bit better now with this innocent rant. :D