@Mega_Loser @vicarandrew no big deal same happened back in the days with Resident Evil 2 in germany but you could still get it if you asked under the table :]
I still think it was all a big PR and market testing, MS is smart they have been milking the markets for years now, they just wanted to see if the people eat their BS but the negative backlash probably proved them wrong, I still wont get the Xbone since PC 4 life but its interesting how they turned 180 "no pun intended"
@megatronx2 @WantYouBad DmC on the PC is the better version hands down, higher framerate, sharper graphics and you can just plug in your Xbox gamepad and game away, but it wasnt ported by capcom it was ported by a polish studio, at least the PC version of DmC which I actually liked :D
@2bitSmOkEy @Printul_Noptii yes I think that most of the games that will run on next gen consoles will be developed on a PC engine, look at Kojimas FoXEngine when he showed off MG Ground Zeroes that one was running on a PC so maybe MGSV will appear on the PC and I think he also originally planned on doing MG Revengeance on the FoX Engine and bringing it to the PC after giving the work to Platinum games, it very much possible that square could do a PC port of FFXV but I think the demand isnt high enough in japan and overseas and all FF games on the PC rather sucked :/ remember the FF7 re-release on the PC with the crap midi music from the 1997 PC port ? duh XD
@JWadiee you already dont have one as it would be much wiser to buy a new GPU for the money the Xbone is going to suck away from you if you are willing to go down the MS road, the PS4 seems more reasonable but I still have my doubts about it even thou MGSV looks so damn impressive it stole the whole E3 show maybe that would be a solid reason alone to go for the PS4 much like MGS4 was for going after the PS3 but I dunno man fingers crossed that MGSV will appear for the PC as well I kinda have a feeling :D
@Liquid-San if you have a decent quad core and 8 GB of memory all you need to upgrade is the GPU, I always only upgrade the GPU and it almost does the job :D stick to the Nvidia 60er series like 560 GTX Ti, 660 GTX Ti they offer good power for a good price I would say ^^
@Cloud_imperium @Liquid-San yes thank god at least CD project makes decenent PC games and they plan it for PC first much like BF3, kudos to those ah yeah and blizzard and valve but blizzards stuff have been rather so/so lately and I am still waiting for half life 3 lol
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