this is so funny that 60 FPS on consoles is now considered a "feature" lmao CoD4 runs at 90-120 FPS unlocked on a mid range PC and that game is back from 2007
@sanveganza yeah I am not even refering to the SP campaign of BF3 that one was bland as hell but I am talking about the technical execution of the overall game, it seems like an updated version of MW3 seriously just look at it, only the lighting seems more dinamic and lets be honest who gives a damn about moving fish ?! Far Cry 3 has moving fish even Crysis 1 had moving sharks, no big deal. If this has fun multiplayer and real dedicated servers with 30+ people and larger maps than before maybe and only maybe I will reconsider it but until then its a no no at least for me
man wtf people wanted to see some gunplay and MP not scripted events and dogs that act like remote controlled UAV -_-" this is an extremely anticipated game how can they showcase two rather bland scenarios and how on earth do they call it next gen ?! Even freakin Crysis 1 back from 2007 is more next gen than this, I am serious.
@sanveganza @Printul_Noptii and it looks worse than Crysis 3 and Metro Last Light on the PC and even Battlefield 3 on highest settings beats this. But people will buy it because of the Multiplayer I am sure of it.
@sanveganza @Printul_Noptii seriously I am extremely disappointed, I am a longtime CoD fan since the original on the PC and I love CoD4 but all I can see in this is better lighting effects and updated shinier things other than that its the same stupid linear game with scripted events all over the place.
@Wahab_MinSeo MGSV probably yes as for the whole collection well.... maybe not. MGS4 woul take some serious time, money and reencoding for porting it to the PC and I dunno if its fiable by this point to consider the whole collection for the PC but I will eat my words and be the first to scream from the mountain if the whole MGS collection gets a green light for the PC.
@TohouAsura @thedeadraptor you dont need to know anything about PC tech, come on people all you really need to know is how to pick up a graphics card, seriously its like Lego plug it into your PCI Express slot and update the drivers and you are good to go how hard is that ?
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