yessssssss, my body is ready !!! I played the Xbox 360 demo and I remember how disappointed I was that this cool game was announced for the PC but was on hiatus on wheather it would get a PC release or not and with Castlevania Lords of Shadows 1 also coming to the PC Konami earned my respect again, lets just hope they release the masterpiece MGS3 on the PC as well as its truly an amazing game a lot of PC gamers never played probably :/
It doesnt matter at least to me :D with games like Castlevania LoS 1 and 2 and Metal Gear Solid revengeance finally getting a PC release this can have a backseat in my books
@Poodger @Printul_Noptii well the thing with GoT is that by now you should know that you shouldnt root for any characters in the show, the majority of viewers think GoT is about the Starks being good and the Lannisters being evil but its not as easy as that its not even about them they are mere pawns in a game its like Cersei said in the first season "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die". So guys its not about the players its about the whole game and dont worry even more darker stuff is coming up :]
lol what the hell =))) Why are people so upset about the Red Wedding episode, did you guys actually read the books its way more gruesome in there than it was depicted onscreen but I guess people got emotionally attached to the characters in the TV series so I can understand their reaction. Also I advice for the manga fans out there to read Gantz it also deals with a lot of death and rebirth later on but the cool thing is almost everybody can die and probably will die in the manga, I won't spoil it but just read it guys :D
oh man I cried tears of joy T_T on how epic this trailer was, this is how you do a Castlevania game right give it a dark tone an epic story combined with awesome gameplay and you have a win-win situation right there.
so glad this and the original also come to the PC <3 thanks konamiyou earned my respect again, also Metal gear Revengeance will come to the PC which is great news in its own, lets just hope Metal Gear V will also make a PC appereance and everything is peachy in the PC universe once again :D
@ilovethewitcher I dunno man Halo kinda went into a bad direction at least multiplayer wise with Halo 4, the maps are too small and geared towards fast run and gunning. IMHO Halo 2 still has the best MP out of all Halos, yeah not even the mighty Halo 3 can approach it.
@linfo28 @Printul_Noptii I just dont understand the hate towards CoD on this site, yeah it got a little bit annoying with the yearly releases but every CoD after MW2 improved in a good way, BO1 had an awesome story and campaign and good customization in the MP, MW3 had a fun to play multiplayer and this is how they should have done the MP in MW2 and BO2 had a lot of cool new features and solid gameplay and a well written campaign, so all in all CoD is a solid game even thou it repeats itself. And this new CoD looks also very promising. I am playing CoD on the PC since the good old days of United Offensive and never bought any DLC or map pack and so far I was pleased with almost every CoD (exept maybe MW2 MP got me a lil bit pissed at how poorly the matchmaking was on the PC) but overall CoD meant always fun for me IMHO.
Kiefer Sutherland is a fantastic choice ! Not only is he a solid actor but he also did a great job on voiceacting in Call of Duty World at War so I think even thou David Hayter was iconic to the MGS franchise and to snake, Kiefer will do Snake justice ! I still hoped they would actually hire Kurt Russel for the voice of Big Boss/Snake but I guess he isnt so much into voice acting so there is that.
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