Uh, yes, yes there was. Maybe YOU weren't particularly impressed, but the game wowed millions of gamers and all the critics at the time. There was nothing else like it before. For most gamers it was an unbelievable jump. That is why the game is still given so much unwarranted worship and put up on a pedestal today. That is why it is still the highest scoring game of all time to this day.
Feel free to live in some wacky fantasy world, but whether or not you impressed by the game at the time has absolutely no bearing on the way the game was received as a whole.
I could say the same thing for MGS4 and and GTAIV but I bet that doesn't count though. let's be honest, wowed millions of gamers? You mean the small amount that actually played the game? You eman the fact that the series sells lees and less every single time that one game is rereleased even fans of the game don't rebuy it? Critics? I don't know whether they were paid off or any other excuse but there was nothing amzaing about the game to the levels you were implying. it did nothing impressive that didn't stop it from being shoved off rather quickly. Now now, before your fanboy instincts attack me, because they will, realize something: 1. Not many people played the game 2. Not that many people who did was interested in the game 3. Reasons 2 and 3 question these critics. 4. A lot of these critics don't bring up the game much anymore but GS and IGn have for many times. 5. The Zelda fanbase is split in many diffren pieces and flavors. 6. Quite a few LTTP fans did not like the game 7. It barely helped the N64, but I know it barely if at all moved any consoles. Notice I have not talked about the actual game. Just pointed that out. I am saying it's not impressive and it never was and that' the truth despite what oter peoples opinion you think are better than yours say. However, I never actually talked about the game. So hold that fanboy in you for now.Let me cut through your nonsensical bullsh*t here for a sec. How am I a fanboy? Did you not even read my first post? I think its absurd the amount of praise the game gets. My point was that while OoT was fantastic at the time, it really isn't worthy of much praise these days.
IMO the Zelda series goes like this.
SS > MM = WW > TP > LttP > OoT > LoZ > Zelda 2.
Not exactly what I would call an OoT fanboy.
Just because you're some 90s kid that was too young to remember the shockwaves OoT sent through the industry doesn't mean it didn't happen. Try again son.
You just fail in even trying to counter and argument you just lost. You also did imply fanboyism all over the place. I also would like to know what I posted had anything to do with saying it didn't send shockwaves through the industry, and technically, and honestly, it barely did so it just adds to your stupidity even more. Your overrating a game you said is overrated and doesn't deserve this much praise? Ha. Many people don;t even now the game exists more now then they did before. Also the fail at calling me a 90's kid when in fact, uh, the game came out in the 90's. So now I have to wonder if you started gaming recently.. Especially when you're implying you consider critics to have a better opinion of your own and blindly follow.
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